EA Day: Overview
Posted 13 Aug 2002 at 10:34 by Gerben
One and a half week ago, EA invited us to their office to play some of their upcoming titles.

The EA headquarters... tadadadam!
We got to play Resident Evil, Freekstyle, NHL 2003, Campcom Vs SNK 2, Need for Speed 2: Hot Pursuit and Medal of Honor. Ok, that last one was a joke, but I'm sure I got your attention.
We played the GameCube versions of almost all the games except for Need for Speed 2, which was unfortunately only available for the PS2. It still gave us a good impression of what we can expect from the GameCube version though.
After two hours of gaming, we left the office satisfied. Today we will give you our impressions of the games we played. Enjoy!

The EA headquarters... tadadadam!