ECTS 2003: Dead (Alive) Phoenix ??

While having a chat with the a producer from Capcom of Japan, we acquired some interesting information regarding the supposedly cancelled Dead Phoenix!

Cube-Europe had an exclusive Q&A session with Atsushi Inaba, the producer of Viewtiful Joe. We asked him what the deal was with Dead Phoenix, and got a very interesting reply.

Atsushi told us that he did not know that a rumour regarding the cancellation of Dead Phoenix was being spread over the internet. In fact, he told us that the game is still in development at the Capcom studios in Japan.

When we said the famitsu contained an article claiming Capcom officially cancelled the game, he replied saying that he has a good relationship with the magazine and he never knew they published that news. There has probably been a communication error he said. He continued saying: "Capcom has never officially cancelled the game".

So there you have it. Dead Phoenix is still being developed. Rejoice and dance in the rain...or the sun.

We will bring you the full Q&A with Atsushi Inaba later today! Stay tuned...

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