ECTS 2003: Metal Gear Solid Hands-On

'Ssssnnnaaakkkkeeee!' was the familar cry I heard when he fell dead on the floor. I had just been attacked by three guards because I was trying to be too clever and take them all out with my fists.

The next time I used the tranq gun and put the white annoying men to sleep, dragging two of them around crates to hide them, the first thing I thought to myself was, 'Wow, this game has seriously improved'. The crisp visuals add to the depth of the characters, the A.I of the guards has improved so much that they actually agree with each other and split up when searching for you. Which rocks.

It took a little while getting used to the controls of this remake. I was probably trying to use the old Playstation style controls that I remember so well. However, in this the Z button makes for an interesting change between the top-down view of the game and the first-person perspective, in which the transition between the two is completely smooth.

The visuals do still look very early, however the overall presentation of the game seems to hold its own against remakes such as Capcom's Resident Evil. I had a few run-throughs of the demo and by the end I was pleased to say that the controls via the Gamecube really did add to the experience.

Sadly, the demo was really only the first level - it was the same version as that at E3 (although I didn't go to that show) - but it looks like Silicon Knights are developing an awesome game and even just though this was a trial and early version, what I played rocked.

- by Joby Stephens

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