ECTS 2003: Rebel Strike Hands-On

Rogue leader was a jaw-dropper when released, with amazing looking graphics and surberb air combat gameplay. Many, including myself, rate it as one of the best Cube games around. So are you ready for more? I know I was, and there it was: Rebel Strike, standing there looking at me urging me to play it. What else could i do but run over like a little girl on Christmas day and grab the controller?!

I was told battle of hoth was the only level that can be played, and that was true. Darn, I thought, but wait... what's this? It can't be! Yes, it is, footage from the Star Wars films - Luke flying over in his speeder towards the imperial scum! Go Luke. As you know, he crashes and that's where you begin: on foot, shooting everything in site, using your grappling hook gun to plant bombs in the imperial walkers, before jumping onto an animal. (What are their names again? I forget, but who cares. These things are fast!)

After many killings of imperial troops, you end the level in an X-wing, protecting the convoy as they escape. My word, the ties! The ties so many you won't believe your eyes! Truely is a suberb sight.

Once you finish off the ties, you see more movie footage from the films, and the demo game is ended.

Is this the best Star Wars game yet? You bet it is. You all must buy this game, or your GameCube will miss out on having this beauty inside it.

I'm even going as far as saying this is now my most wanted GameCube game ahead of Mario Kart and F-Zero.

May the Force be with you.

By Steve Platt.

Be sure to check out the footage we uploaded today of this game: ECTS 2003: Rebel Strike Footage.

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