Etrian Odyssey X announced for 3DS in Japan

Posted 10 Apr 2018 at 14:02 by Sam C Gittins
Seemingly not wanting to be outdone by the Switch, the Nintendo 3DS is still going reasonably strong with software support, especially from Atlus who have just announced Etrian Odyssey X for release in Japan on August 2nd 2018. There is no mention of a Western release as of yet but it's a pretty safe bet considering previous releases such as Etrian Odyssey V which we reviewed mere months ago.
Here's a summary extracted from the Press Release... (credit to MindFreak on our forum)
– Culmination of the series from its start on the DS to now
– Popular classes from the games will be gathered in this one
– New “Hero” class
– Can make a dream party with a total of 19 classes
– Popular mechanics from the games will be gathered as well, including sub-classes, character creation, difficulty selection, and “Force Boost / Force Break”
– Completely new game
– More voluminous than previous titles
– Numerous labyrinths in the new setting that is the distant island of Lemuria
– First-print copy DLC for the game titled the “New Adventurer Illustration Pack”
– DLC will have unique class illustrations from famed illustrators who have worked on the series
Check out the video below and feel free to join in with the conversation on our forum.