European first-party release list

Posted 25 Jul 2012 at 11:30 by Joshua Phillips
Nintendo has unleashed an updated list of release dates for Europe along with their financial report and it seems quite promising with the likes of Mario, Pokémon and New Art Academy all releasing within the next month.
Whilst it's great that we have solid dates for the 3DS XL and New Super Mario Bros. 2, some of you may be disappointed to hear that eagerly anticipated 3DS titles such as Animal Crossing, Paper Mario and Luigi's Mansion 2 still have no specific dates.
These lists are for 3DS, DS and Wii titles only. Nintendo will release more Wii U details at a later date.
Nintendo 3DS XL - 28 July
New Art Academy - 28 July
Freakyforms Deluxe - 28 July
New Super Mario Bros. 2 - 17 August
Luigi's Mansion 2 - 2012
Professor Layton And The Miracle Mask - 2012
Animal Crossing - 2013
Fire Emblem - 2013
Paper Mario - TBC
Inazuma Eleven Strikers - 28 September
Learn With Pokémon: Typing Adventure - September 2012
Pokémon Black and White Version 2 - 12 October
Whilst the DS is being kept alive with a drip feed of Pokémon titles and the 3DS buzz continues to grow ever stronger, the Wii seems to be lagging somewhat. What may come as a disappointment to some is the lack of Kirby's Dream Collection Special Edition for Wii which has had no mention for Europe as of yet but is set for a US release on September 16th.
Japan are already celebrating 20 years of the Pink blob as Dream Collection released over there on July 19. Japanese gamers also get to enjoy the eagerly anticipated Dragon Quest X Online on their Wii consoles from August 2nd, another title that has yet to be confirmed for Europe.
What do you make of the release lists? Are there any titles you are looking forward to?