Exclusive: Geist Footage

Posted 06 Jun 2004 at 10:14 by Tim Symons
We have more free movies for you to download. Today we kick off the movie spree with some Geist action! Coming up later today: 6 minutes of exclusive Advance Wars: Under Fire footage.

In this movie we show you the ways of the multi and single-player in Geist. You will see that the game has evolved a lot gameplay and graphic-wise compared to the version shown last year by Nintendo.
The multi-player mode is awesome, says our correspondent. He says that this build even comes close to classic shooters like Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. That is a gaming experience we have all been waiting for. We can only dream of what the final version of this game will offer us!
Download the movie by using the links below (right-click and save as). The low and high-quality movie weigh respectively 6 and 23 megabytes. Enjoy!