Exclusive: Nintendo DS Manual

Today Cube-Europe reveals more of the secret Nintendo DS reports. We present to you the entire Nintendo DS manual!

A week or two ago me and my budy Dennis from Cube-Europe's sister site GBA.N64Europe.com acquired a handfull of secret Nintendo DS test reports. These reports contain technical specs as well as photos from the inside of the Nintendo DS, the E3 version. We published a few snippits from the report in this article.

These reports contain quite a lot of interesting information. For example, the secret DS hole, reported at Cube-Europe earlier this week (article), is refered to as the headset input in the documents. This was reported yesterday by sister site GBA.N64Europe.com.

We contacted Nintendo with our findings of the secret documents, but they did not reply or undertake any action, at least as far as we know. Therefore we decided to unveil a little more of the report for your reading pleasure. The Nintendo DS manual to be exact!

The manual can be downloaded exclusively at Cube-Europe. Therefore we would appreciate linkage when you spread the word in forums or on other sites.


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