Exophobia blasts onto the Switch eShop

A retro-inspired First-Person Shooter titled Exophobia is now available on the Switch eShop.

Check the press release below.

Exophobia is a retro-inspired first person shooter with fast-paced combat. You wake up to find yourself alone in a human spaceship infested with hostile alien soldiers. Explore your surroundings while you uncover piece by piece the backstory and destiny of its human inhabitants. Shoot, dash, and stun your enemies in your path to escape!

Launching October 5 for PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

And here's the trailer...

Are retro-inspired FPS titles something which you enjoy? Is the limited colour palette something which appeals to you? Will you be having a blast with Exophobia?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section or join in with the discussion on our forum.

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