F-Zero 99 Update Lands Tomorrow

Posted 28 Nov 2023 at 12:10 by Joshua Phillips
Nintendo revealed on their Twitter/X account that F-Zero 99, the chaotic multiplayer racer available for free to NSO subscribers, will be updated tomorrow, November 29th.
The update will introduce a Classic Race mode, Lucky Rank rewards and more!
Details of the Online Multiplayer Classic Race mode:
20 racers
4:3 Aspect Ratio
1 Boost Per Lap
No Spin Attack/Super Boost
Nintendo Switch Online subscribers will be busy from tomorrow, as a new TETRIS 99 cup was also unveiled today, along with two new and one returning theme, which you can read about here.
Update! Nintendo has provided us the full patch notes, which you can read below:
New Additions
Added a new Classic mode. These are 20-player races with the same rules as the Super NES version of F-ZERO. Classic races are one variety of special event and will be held periodically.
Added Lucky Ranks gameplay. Every time you enter a race, your rank and the machine you used will be recorded. After entering five races, you can reveal the Lucky Ranks. If your ranks match any of the ranks on the cards—or your machine matches the machine shown—you can receive in-game rewards.
You can reach the Lucky Ranks screen by pressing the L Stick on the main menu.
You can reveal the Lucky Ranks card once per day.
Added backdrops, badges, and borders that can be used to customize Pilot Cards. After meeting the specified conditions, you will be able to use them for customization.
You can check the specified conditions and perform customization by selecting WORKSHOP on the main menu, and then selecting PILOT CARDS.
Other Adjustments and Changes
Made it easier to return to the main menu after crashing out or getting ranked out during MINI PRIX or GRAND PRIX races. (In Ver. 1.0.2 and earlier there were cases where, depending on the timing, it was not possible to leave the race for a little while).
Adjusted the difficulty for the initial startup training to make it easier. A feature to skip training has also been added, making it possible to enter online races with other players right away.
After the first training race has ended, you can skip all remaining training by pressing the Y Button on the main menu. Additionally, from the second race (F-ZERO 25) onward, an option to skip to the next race will display if you crash out or are ranked out.
You cannot return to a training once you have skipped it.
In F-ZERO 99, players who just started the game or are not yet used to the gameplay will now be matched together.
Other Fixes
Fixed issues to make for a more pleasant gaming experience.