Feature: 1P Vs 2P - 3DS

Posted 24 Mar 2011 at 07:42 by Ashley Jones

Contributed to by 1P and 2P
1P and 2P return to debate the merits of 3D gaming.
1P: Well, there's good news, and there's great news.
2P: Give me the good news first, I need a gentle build-up, otherwise I get too excited.
1P: O-K� the good news: the 3DS is out at the end of the month!
2P: That's not good news, that's great news!
1P: Actually the great news is that I got into your Paypal account: you're buying me a 3DS.
2P: I'm what?
1P: You're so generous!
2P: No I'm not! How did you get into the account? Do you even know my password?!
1P: "hot4peach"
2P: Dang� Um, give me my money back?
1P: Let me think about it� no.
2P: Dude, that's not cool!
1P: Cool is cruising with my homies and chillaxin' with my soon-to-arrive 3DS that I didn't pay for!
2P: Come on, it's way too expensive! Is this revenge for the time I hacked your eBay account and bought that kilo of used knickers?
1P: Yes it is, and no it isn't.
2P: � what?
1P: Yes it is revenge for the "panty incident" and no, the 3DS is not too expensive. There's not even an RRP! Retailers can sell it for whatever they want! It's a competition!
2P: �200 for a handheld is insane. That's what they're all charging.
1P: Yes? If you want the latest tech, you have to pay a premium to get it on launch day!
2P: It's sick! Kids are climbing the walls for this thing and the retailers are sitting back counting their money�
1P: Actually it's your money.
2P: Don't do it!!!
1P: Hahaha�. Mmmm�.
2P: Why do you need one on launch anyway? There're never any good games out in the first month and they only replace it with a bigger screen and lighter version 12 months down the line anyway.
1P: By that logic, you should never buy any technology ever.
2P: Well, you have to draw the line somewhere!
1P: It's the look of the thing! You get a unit on launch day and you're one of the privileged few to know the unadulterated thrill of playing any time, any where from day one!
2P: You just want to show it off, is that it? What is it, some kind of lifestyle accessory to you?
1P: I wonder if it comes in Wenge�
2P: I think Sony has the copyright on that colour.
1P: Shame.
2P: It's a scam. They know rabid fanboys like you can't wait to get your sticky hands on one so they jack up the price and manufacture shortages to keep it high! It's all a marketing trick!
1P: I know that, but WHAT a trick! It's like those TV magicians that make a building disappear�
2P: All done with mirrors.
1P: No, it's done with buildings.
2P: *sigh*
1P: Anyway, thanks for your generosity!
2P: You're escalating�next thing you know, I'ma sell your house while you're on holiday or something�
1P: That's the game Except, at least I'll have a shiny new 3DS!
2P: I'm changing the password now!
1P: Money's already gone!
2P: Son of a�.
1P and 2P invite you to air your feelings about the subject below...
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