Feature: 3DS Conference Roundup

Posted 13 Sep 2011 at 16:31 by Aaron Clegg
Nintendo's 3DS conference occurred in the early hours of this morning, with more than a couple of nice surprises. Because we don't want you going without all the delicious info, we've summarised all our coverage of the event here.
Monster Hunter 4
Mario Tennis 3DS
Bravely Default: Flying Fairy � a new RPG from Square-Enix
Fire Emblem 3DS
Other 3rd party games, including Gundam, Ace Combat, Dynasty Warriors and Hatsune Miku

Circle Pad Extension detailed
Four Swords coming this month
3DS firmware update detailed
Kid Icarus delayed, anime shorts coming
Pink 3DS Revealed
Skyward Sword length teased
Japanese release schedule
European release schedule

Bravely Default: Flying Fairy screenshots
Fire Emblem screens and trailer
Monster Hunter 4 video
Animal Crossing screenshots
Monster Hunter 3 G screenshots
Super Mario 3D Land screens and trailer
Theatrerhythm Final Fantasy & Kingdom Hearts 3DS footage
Mario Kart 7 Trailer & StreetPass details
Paper Mario 3DS Trailer