<i>Feature</i>: CE Digest

News Roundup

-Well this week has seen what we at the site thought was a world exclusive and then turned out not to be so. Still this week we have got mails from Shiny, Interplay and I got one from Cube magazine, clearly they all know where to come for the best Cube coverage

-Talking of Cube magazine I must point out that in an article I wrote on Monday I referred to a magazine interview and I didn’t actually say which magazine. Whoops, it was Cube, you can pick up issue 2 right now from the shops. I feel it is much improved over issue 1.

-There is a rather interesting interview posted on the Cube Europe site with the president of Nintendo. I have to say that there will be hundreds of games released across all systems this year and how many are you actually looking forward to. I’ve played games for many years and I’m getting tired of the same old stuff.

-ISS2, Daredevil, Vexx and Scorpion King have all been announced for the gamecube this week; the amount of developers jumping on the cube bandwagon is amazing. There is no danger of a repeat N64 situation happening.


This one is for the UK only I’m afraid. In the past 7 days we have seen new issues of NGC and CUBE released. NGC is good but I wonder why they insist on using 60 pages for news, reviews and previews and waste 60 on N64 stuff. I’m not saying I don’t like N64 but there reviews are being shoved on to one page and yet that need not be the case.

Cube was actually fairly impressive (credit where credit is due) but I do wonder why they had a pop at PC owners. It seems silly to alienate possible readers in only there second issue. Both feature reviews of Smash Bros and both think it’s awesome.


-Forums are a great place to say how you feel and have great debates. However there always seems to be one idiot who ruins it. Please can I make this plea to people to just ignore idiots, please don’t even respond as it juts makes them come back and for the record I love Nintendo but they are arrogant to the point of stupidity and one day it will come back to haunt them I’m sure of it.


Over the next 25 weeks every Friday I am going to post a mini review of what I consider to be the top 25 N64 games in the CE digest. I know it’s a Cube site but it’s a Nintendo site and the more I play on it the more I think it had an unfair bad press. So quickly write in and tell me what your favourite 5 N64 games were and in 25 weeks time we will find out what was the number 1 N64 game.


I have noticed RPG’s are very popular on the forums. Well we in Europe have had a rather rough deal; we never got Chrono Cross or Mario RPG. Well from next week I am going to have a review of an RPG every week including ones never released in Europe. At the end of it all I’ll tell you what I think is the best RPG ever.


I have had many many emails from many many people and I am quickly learning that no matter what I write I’m always going to anger someone, I released that this is also the case for Nintendo. I can’t actually think of any other developer that actually comes up with such amazing games so often as Nintendo and yet gets so much stick. For all the nay Sayers out there who think Nintendo are rubbish for god sake play on a Nintendo game. For all those that think that life stops after Nintendo then all I can say is that there are a few good non Nintendo games out there. The truth is that we don’t know what the future holds but it sure is exciting. I believe that for those of us who believe in Nintendo we are in for a hell of a journey, so stick with us at Cube Europe and we will be right there with you.

Gary Samaden

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