<i>Feature</i>: CE Digest (NEW)
Posted 12 Jan 2002 at 19:03 by Tim Symons
Hi Folks, it’s princeoftheyolkfolk here or as I am better Gary Samaden. For a couple of weeks now I have been writing articles for this web site and have enjoyed it a lot. If you were at all wondering where I had got to this week the answer is that there was a problem with my article this week and then I had a serious family problem and it kind of took over. Life really is a funny old thing some times and I think we should never take for granted our family because one day they might not be there anymore. Anyway I’m back in business now and from here on in I will bring you two pieces every week. On a Monday I will have for you a weekly article where I will discuss a topic in some depth and then on Fridays I will bring you a brand new feature called the CE Digest. This will focus on the week’s news, and highlight goings on in the forum.
-Finally some good news from Nintendo. It looks like the European launch is close at hand. We will see the cube launch in Europe a few weeks after the 3rd of Feb. Clearly we have to be careful because Nintendo’s definition of a few weeks and normal people’s definition may differ slightly but it still looks good. I also bet very very good money that we will not have to wait until September like some other people seem to suggest.
-About an hour ago I read that GTA3 is heading to the Gamecube, I have only just finished laughing. This is fantastic news for Nintendo. The PS2 is forever becoming less attractive to buy.
-It seems that the screen shots doing the round of Mario Sunshine are not a real indication of what the actual game is like. According to a British magazine Mario sunshine will look totally different upon release. (Uh oh please no cell shading!!)
-The fantastic Dreamcast classic Skies of Arcadia is heading towards the Gamecube. There is however no word on a PAL release.
-New Spring/Summer home shopping Catalogues are putting a �260 price on a Gamecube and one Game. These catalogues are always more expensive but I think you can fairly say that the Gamecube will be �200 in the UK. This is a shame as it would mean that it is the same price as the PS2 but let’s just wait until Feb.
-Only two things I really want to say this week. Firstly there has been a lot of talk about the best Nintendo magazine. I have just got the latest Cube magazine and it is good but there is something about it that makes it so immature, take my advice and get NGC or even better don’t bother and just read Cube Europe instead.
-Folks there is little chance of Square developing for Cube and that is that. Sony part own them. Zelda and Final Fantasy are both amazing titles and it is hard to say one is better than the other. On a personal level I like Final Fantasy because the story is amazing but even I admit that the random battles are annoying
-Oh and one final thought, Why do some people insist on coming on our forums and being abusive?
-If you are a bit bored get yourself a GBA, they really are fantastic. Mario Kart is amazing the future looks bright for this console.
-Come on Rare don’t give us huge delays, let’s be frank Nintendo needs Rare big time and huge delays will not help the cube.
-Well that’s all for this week, next week I am going to add a few more sections to the digest but you will have to wait to see what they are and on Monday I will post an article on importing. It seems as if the Pal Cube may not be so simple to mod. Plus I will have info on how you can get imported games direct from Canada. This outfit will ship world wide with zero postage to you. So see you on Monday.
Gary Samaden (Princeoftheyolkfolk)