Feature: Out This Week - 01/05/2009

What's out this week in Europe? What's worth your hard-earned money? Allow us to inform you...


  • Coraline
  • Hannah Montana: The Movie
  • Marbles! Balance Challenge
  • X-Men Origins: Wolverine

What a week for movie tie-ins - three all released in seven days just for the Wii. The Tim Burton-esque Coraline is developed from a fantasy tale by Neil Gaiman, while Wolverine features Hugh Jackman's titular character going all "Grrr" and gnarly. Both are said to focus closely on their respective films storyline. Strangely, both have us more interested than the chance of playing along with Miley Cyrus in a Hannah Montana title.

Something definitely worth considering is the Balance Board compatible Marbles! Balance Challenge from Konami and Hudson. You may remember it previously named Marble Saga: Kororinpa. Check out gameplay footage from the title here!


  • Coraline
  • Gardening Mama
  • Hannah Montana: The Movie
  • Rhythm Paradise
  • Russell Grant's Astrology
  • X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Without a shadow of a doubt our recommendation for this week is Rhythm Heaven, the insanely fun compilation of rhythm minigames that we're currently addicted to (if you haven't noticed from our new site banner). Nintendo even have Beyonce currently promoting it.

Today also sees four new titles for download - be sure to check out our rundown!

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