Feature: See The N-Comic Artist In Action!

Charles Raymond, the creator and cartoonist of N-Europe's N-Comic webcomic, has undertaken the mammoth task of doing a 24 hour comic.

As our readers will no doubt be aware, N-Europe is now home to a new webcomic from cartoonist extraordinaire, Charles Raymond (who goes under the alias of not_so_tiny on our forums and down in the comments). Charles is responsible for the excellent N-Comic, and you can see the first two issues here and here if you haven't already.

Charles has taken up the epic task of creating a 24 hour comic, a comic consisting of 24 pages which must be completed in (you guessed it) 24 hours at a rate of 1 page an hour. Like Jack Bauer on an art course, Charles has already rattled off 14 pages since 10AM this morning (at the time of writing), and is set to begin his 15th as the clock strikes midnight.

He's past the half way mark, and you can watch the artist at work and offer words of encouragement in the live feed he's set up below. You can also check out Charles' blog to see the pages he's completed so far.

You'll be able to see the master at work until 10AM GMT on May 2nd.

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