Feedback: More Rare views

A lorry-load of more views on the Rareware situation below. Quality assured.

I'm hoping that Rare will not go multiformat because it's brilliant to have awesome exclusives appearing on a Nintendo console time and again. But the thing is, even if Rare did go multiformat it wouldn't make much difference would it? Really, as long as Rare keep producing top quality games that are released on the Cube then, to me, it doesn't matter at all if they're released on other consoles aswell.

First off, yes- I do think Rare will develop for other systems. They have been very quiet of late, since the "Christmas card" anyway, refusing to comment on the matter. Put it this way, a simple YES or NO is all that we needed to hear, it isn't that hard is it?.

Rare have refused, in all quarters to put the matter to rest. Their refusal to speak out on the situation, brings many into thinking that they do indeed have something to hide and negotiations of the matter are in development. The rumours have been so tense in recent months, that they would have needed to be on a different planet "Not" to hear them.

And to add weight to the rumour being true, anyone who reads the Future Publishing publication-EDGE would understand things are indeed a little strange. Why? Well if your as "Eagled Eyed" as me you would have spotted the differences in their recruitmant advert are noticable. Firstly before the rumours where rife, we had adverts such as: "To Develop for Nintendo's latest system the GAMECUBE" and "To develop for Nintendo GAME BOY ADVANCE".

But since the Christmas card, the adverts have been a little different, being things like " To Develop FOR CURRENT AND FUTURE HARDWARE" and the only system to have stayed put on the pages: "To develop for GAMEBOY ADVANCE" - now if you've noticed they have removed ALL reference to the Gamecube, fuelling speculation even further. Go check the latest edition of Edge if you don't believe me and compare it to pre-Christmas editions.

The advert in question - Rareware's latest recruitment advertisement

(Wolfhound's article concluded) - Also, in the latest edition of SCRIBES, on Rareware's web-site, a question was put to them concerning their absence at E3 with only one developed title on display. Their answer to that question was "We have our reasons". And in the latest edition of NGC magazine, they have various sources that point to development on other systems too, such as the refusal to answer the question that was put to them of wheather they have X-Box and PS2 development kits!.

But if Rare did indeed develop for other systems, what franchises would they have to work on?Scanning trademark sites the only "Great" franchises they seem to have ownership of are: Perfect Dark, Conker, Kameo and Jet Force Gemini. Nintendo on the other hand, own everything to do with Donkey Kong including, yes- the Rare created Diddy Kong! Oh but it doesn't end there, we all know of Starfox being Nintendo owned, Nintendo also own everything to do with Banjo Kazooie as well!

So what have Rare to fall back on? Perfect Dark for sure!. But as NGC magazine pointed out, don't expect any other company having the same patience with Rares slow development like Nintendo had. Things are very strange though, they have refused to put the matter to rest, a simple Yes or No regarding the situation would have put the whole situation to sleep long ago!, but sadly that hasn't happened. Let's wait and see.
From TMCA Wolfhound, Ireland. (Lets see more of these fantastic comments - Mike).

Getting well over 7 months now since the rumour began, since Rare first release their little Christmas card that has created rumours about hatred towards Nintendo, Activision and Microsoft and whilst I've said many things in the past this is my final and definitive opinion on the subject.

The initial spark was created by Rare's all so friendly Christmas card with mascot Mr. Pants dressed in Christmas gear. At the back of the card there was a Gamecube, a Gameboy Advance, An X-box and a PS2 and this was apparently a subtle hint that Rare are going Multi-format. What rubbish, an empty Christmas tree it would be if the oh so tiny Gamecube and GBA was all that was under it, Rare's artists sent this to gaming websites so familiar gaming objects are placed under the tree� what's the problem here exactly? I'm not going to comment on the my friend said that his friend who works for Activision was in discussion about buying out Rare because it is pointless instead I'm going to fast forward it all to the Electronics Entertainment Expo (E3).

The rumour mill began to turn again when Rare didn't really show, where was Perfect Dark 0, this is a perfect time to show the game or maybe even a brand new Conker/Banjo or Killer Instinct title? What makes it worse current titles such as Kameo: Elements of Power and Donkey Kong Racing weren't there either and were in fact removed from Nintendo's release list. To add more to
the tidal wave of rumours Nintendo's announced a new Donkey Kong game (Donkey Kong +) that isn't being made by Rare!!! Whilst some people may run around chanting "The end is nigh" I know full well if Rare hadn't sent that card 5 months prior, no one would've battered an eye lid. Meanwhile they did, and so I will try and bring those Armageddon scaremongers down to earth, just for a minute. One plausible reason for Rare's almost absence has been commented upon recently, Internet. Nintendo's Internet plans are being kept very secretive, now Mario Kart could be one but lets look at the absent Rare titles. Perfect Dark 0, how can you top Perfect Dark's multiplayer, make it ONLINE! How about Kameo? Well the chances of a Pokemonline aren't looking too good, after all how many children play online gaming? But Kameo is a more mature Pokemon game, an Online one would be perfect and with the ability to raise your animal in Donkey Kong racing an online option could well be planned.

So could these games be absent due to Nintendo's desire to keep their online games under wraps? Well I'm going for the more likely reason. Starfox Adventures was there in full force and will probably be the only Rare title to be released this side of E3 2003 and is one of Nintendo's big titles of the year. Why would Nintendo or Rare at that matter try and overshadow it? Imagine if a new Perfect Dark game was announced by Rare, Starfox? WHO CARES!!!! Why announce another major title like Conker if you don't want it to grab the headlines? It is Nintendo's biggest software line up, Mario, Metroid and Starfox� Nintendo don't want to overshadow these with games set for a late 2003 release. Those can wait for next year and you have to remember that Starfox was really being pushed at E3 and yeah there was little else from Rare but there was no multi-format announcement either! So what about Donkey Kong +, the game with the connectivity to the GBA. Donkey Kong games be it racers or Platformers are made by Rare bar the original barrel jumping adventures that shot Shigeru Miyamoto to super stardom. And that style of game is exactly what is being made, it is Nintendo being at their retro best and not only would a game like this be pointless for Rare to make but Nintendo have made it before, as they say if it ain't broke don't fix it. Rare's jammed packed schedule will be hard enough for them to cope with as it is and the addition of a small game like this isn't exactly what they need. Donkey Kong + is Nintendo's attempt to sell the Gamecube to GBA connection again, the fact Donkey Kong is init at all is simply to sell copies.

So now 7 months down the line I'm getting fed up of worrying wether or not Nintendo's best second party developer are going multi-format or not. Just when I felt I can relax and look forward to Rare's future releases some guy will say something that'll prompt stupid magazines like XBM that can "finally reveal" that Perfect Dark is coming to the X-box. Do they never learn you shouldn't put rumours on the front covers of your magazines, you're putting other third party magazines like NGC to shame! So are Rare going multi-format? No, unless they tell me otherwise.
Dringo. (another fantastic viewpoint - well done Dringo).

I believe that RARE won't be going anywhere. Why?' Cause The Big N own them (about 24 % shareholder stake).

The rumour seems as if it has been created by Sony or MS to topdown Nintendo, they created it because they are scared thatif Nintendo win the consoles war this time Sony will fans think if their 2nd party Square can develop for GC, why can't RARE? They are very frustated that Final Fantasy has returned to Nintendo so they took some revenge to spreading this rumour over and over again.Sony and MS are a bunch of cowards.
From John

This is my view on the whole Rare situation.

Basically Rare will not be going 3rd party, there are so many reasons why.

1) Only Nintendo would put up with Rare's huge delays and small number of games made per year.

2) Rare make a lot of their money from making games that use Nintendo characters and also rely on finincial help from Nintendo I'm sure.

3) All the rumours just don't add up. First it's SFA going to PS2 (people realise it wont happen with Nintendo characters and the PS2 can't handle it), then PD0 is going to the PS2, then to the XBOX, now Conker is also going to be XBOX exclusive. Then DK Racing is getting canned and reworked from multi-platform release as is Kameo. It all make no sense and the rumours just evolve as people discredit the old ones. For starters, a Nintendo artist who worked on Luigi's Mansion is now working on Kameo (he said in an interview) it's basically impossible for that to be anything but Nintendo exclusive. Rare also said DK Racing was still on in Scribes.

4) Nintendo own something like 49% of Rare's shares

Recently CUBE magazine said on their forums that they had a proper talk to Rare who cleared up the whole situation and let them in on some news they will soon be announcing. Although CUBE isn't exactly highly reliable, I don't think they could risk their reputation just for a few comments about Rare. CUBE said the final outcome is VERY obvious and they can't believe no-one thought of it earlier.

SO it's more likely that Rare are becoming 1st party or that (as someone mentioned earlier) these game delays are because the games are set to go online. That makes a lot of sense, the Nintendo artist interviewed about Kameo said the game wasn't far along enough for it to be displayed in playable form (and didnt show video as Nintendo's outing was too strong). Considering Kameo was around 1 year ago, I'm guessing this means the game could well have gone the online way, and with all Rare's new games not going to make it out to stores until mid-2003 at the earliest, it makes sense that these games should make use of Nintendo's online plans (set for launch in late 2002).
Will Haven

Rare will never leave nintendo and they have no reason to leave them and if rare were going to work multi-format then i reckon that they would of publicy announced to the whole of the gaming world and they never will.
David Harding

Over the weeks of rumours about Rare I built up my own theory. I�m not really confident, that they will stop being Nintendo-exclusive but if they do, here's my story: As many Big N-fans know, Ken Lobb, who worked in a major position at Nintendo, went to Microsoft. Well, Mr. Lobb was the main person at Nintendo who worked together with Rare. Maybe after him going relationships between the two companies weaked of because Rare lost the close contact they had before. After also seeing one of the Stamper brothers at E3 at the Microsoft booths, a new theory could be that Rare also is planning to work with Microsoft. This would be the biggest horror to the most of us loyal Nintendo-fans, because I think to most of us Microsoft stinks like your socks after a long sporty-action.
Heiner Henrichs

I just want to say that what Modest Siotos said was absolutely stupid. It is in no way obvious that Nintendo have made a deal with Sony. Square isn't second party to Sony is it? So Nintendo can't "exchange" Rare for Square, if Square isn't second party in the first place. It appears that a PS2 fan is getting over excited.That's my opinion.
Andrew Stewart. (Andrew, Modest Siotos was only stressing his opinion. Calling his viewpoint 'stupid' is a tad extreme).

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