Fire Emblem Direct gives news of four FE games

Posted 18 Jan 2017 at 21:25 by Nick Lone
Nintendo held their Fire Emblem direct just a few short days after the Switch presentation, with news of two new Fire Emblem games coming to Nintendo consoles and a new game for smart devices.
A remake of 1992 Japan only release "Fire Emblem Gaiden", now dubbed "Fire Emblem Echoes - Shadows of Valentia", is coming to Nintendo 3DS this May. Gaiden, the second game in the series, provided a unique spin on Fire Emblem gameplay, introducing elements which were met with a mixed reception from gamers, including dungeon crawling, exploration and towns. Echoes will reimagine the game on a grander scale, in a game world built from the ground up for the 3DS. Flexible character progression and the elements which made Gaiden unique will return in this remake, as well as two new Amiibo of Alm and Celica alongside the game.
A short announcment followed stating a game is in the works for Nintendo Switch, due to release in 2018!
"Fire Emblem Warriors" was up next in the form of a breif trailer featuring Awakening favourite, Chrom. In partnership with Koei Tecmo, the next edition of the "Warriors" series will be released not only on Nintendo Switch in Autumn of this year, but surprisingly also on Nintendo 3DS as a "New 3DS" exclusive. Adopting a more 'cel shaded' graphical style, as seen in Hyrule Warriors Legends, little of note was said or or shown of the game, bar a few seconds of Chrom unleashing chaos on hoards of enemies and the rock-inspired remix of the soundtrack that fans of the series have become accustomed to. No reason was given in the direct as to why the game is slated for a New 3DS only release, but it would be sensible to assume, given the criticism of the framerate of the last Warriors game to grace Nintendo's family of handheld systems, that the original 3DS is simply not capable of running the game to an acceptable standard. No mention was made of whether the 3DS version will feature a 3D mode.
Finally, Nintendo unveiled the third game in their 'smart devices' line-up, following Miitomo and Super Mario Run. "Fire Emblem Heroes" promises the same deep, strategy driven gameplay to that made famous Nintendo's home and handheld devices in the palm of your hand. Taking control of a summoner, gamers call upon heroes from Fire Emblem's entire history, as well as new heroes, to unite as one army and defend the kingdom of Asker. The video focused on the 8x6 grid nature of each entire game map, citing being able to see the entire map when playing in short bursts as the reason behind this design choice. The game looks and plays in a similar way to other Fire Emblem games, but interestingly, a number of additions have been made for mobile, including an "orbs" system which seems to be Nintendo's implementation of microtransactions for mobile gamers as these orbs can be obtained in-game or by handing over "additional" cash. Orbs can be used to "purchase" heroes, each of whom have a star rating, directly affecting their in-game stats. The more heroes you purchase, the cheaper it becomes to buy even more. Interestingly, one of the modes included is named "Special Maps" with the description indicating additional content will be added to the game over time. The game will be free to download in just two weeks from February 2nd on Android and "soon" on iPhone and iPad, perhaps due to the fact that Apple secured Super Mario Run as a timed-exclusive, leaving Android gamers wanting. A "choose your legends" online poll is now available on the official website for fans to choose one male and one female character to appear in Heroes' special event mode. Get voting!
Update: Fire Emblem Heroes will also be coming to iOS on February 2nd, thus confirming the game will see simultaneous release on both mobile platforms.
Check out the full video below.
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