First Look: Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer
Posted 11 Apr 2002 at 07:34 by Tim Symons
Give it up for.... Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer! Activision has released some new info and screens of this game.
The game will center on a search for the perfect wave and send players around the world in a boat that will serve as their base of operations. The game's structure will be nonlinear, allowing players to find their own way. While progressing through the game, players will be able to participate in optional missions that will allow them to increase their surfer's skill level. In terms of modes, Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer will offer four to choose from: career, free surf, shootout, and head to head. A surf log book will also be available to track individual surfer stats and world records. Playing through these modes will unlock new surfers, boards, events, videos, secret breaks, and secret characters.
Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer is set to ship for the PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube, and Game Boy Advance this summer.

Source: Gamespot