First Look: LucasArt's RTX Red Rock
Posted 08 May 2002 at 04:00 by Gerben
You are E.Z. Wheeler, Army major, astronaut, and trained Radical Tactics Expert -- a samurai of the future. Plunge into battle on the Red Planet armed with deadly alien weapons, your own superpowers, and a sexy digital sidekick named IRIS.
2103. One Hundred years in the future. Brutal alien invaders have captured our colony on Mars and threaten Earth. You are E.Z. Wheeler, Army major, astronaut, and trained Radical Tactics Expert -- a samurai of the future. Plunge into battle on the Red Planet armed with deadly alien weapons, your own superpowers, and a sexy digital sidekick named IRIS. Fight your way across the frozen deserts, through Earth's ruined colony, and into the exotic interiors of alien ships in ten single player and four multiplayer levels. Control robots. Drive rovers. Encounter a group of mysterious Old Souls who help you retake the planet. It's the ultimate adventure on man's farthest frontier.
Action in RTX Red Rock is distinguished by Wheeler's unique mechanized abilities, granted to him through a series of medical operations to mend previous combat injuries. Wheeler's synthetic right arm is both tool and weapon, upgradeable to grappling hook, taser, grenade launcher, and more. Likewise, his synthetic left eye is sensitive to special wavelengths and can be used to locate and target hidden aliens, identify traps, and uncover power-ups throughout the game's 10 levels. State-of-the-art computer techniques allow LucasArts to blend realism and fantasy, bringing players to the planet Mars in a way never before possible.
The game will be released Spring 2003.