Foxconn, responsible for Wii U production, admit to illegal child labour

Posted 18 Oct 2012 at 12:12 by Joshua Phillips
It seems that Chinese production company Foxconn are in trouble once again and this time it's regarding the Wii U production line, which apparently resorted to using child workers to "cover a shortfall" in staff.
Foxconn recently admitted to using illegal workers and it later became clear that some of these were as young as 14. The workers didn't have much say in the matter either, as according to a Chinese media outlet, they were told if they don't intern they won't get credit or receive their diplomas and they could even face expulsion from school.
The students had to work for approximately 3 weeks but thankfully have been returned to their educational institutions as it was not only a violation of the Foxconn policy but also of Chinese law.
Nintendo are currently investigating the situation and are keen to set things straight, a spokesperson ensured IGN that Nintendo are in talks with Foxconn right now.
"We take our responsibilities as a global company very seriously and are committed to an ethical policy on sourcing, manufacture and labour. If we were to find that any of our production partners did not meet our guidelines, we would require them to modify their practices according to Nintendo's policy".
This isn't the first time this year the Foxconn have made headlines for their terrible working conditions. Earlier in the year it was reported that some workers were commiting suicide and there were even threats of a mass suicide whilst working on the PS3, 360 and iPhone production lines.