Freakyforms getting removed from eShop next week

Posted 10 Aug 2012 at 15:56 by Aaron Clegg
Nintendo has issued a notice on the eShop stating that download title Freakyforms: Your Creations, Alive! will not be available to purchase for much longer.
That is because the expanded retail version - Freakyforms Deluxe - will be released on the eShop shortly. If you don't own Freakyforms: Your Creations, Alive!, you'll only be able to buy it up til August 16th. After then, Freakyforms Deluxe will be put on the eShop.
Anyone who already owns Freakyforms will not be affected. If you have bought it and deleted it from your SD card, you will still be able to redownload it at any time as usual.
If you're pondering over whether to take the plunge with Freakyforms Deluxe, check out our review to see what we thought.