Free demos and discounts for nine upcoming Wii U games

Nine demos of upcoming independent Wii U games have gone live on the eShop.

It is part of Nintendo's Nindies@Home scheme, and will reward players who try out these upcoming titles by offering discounts on the final release.

However, you'll only be able to download the special demos between now and the end of June 22nd. If you download and play any of the demos, you can claim a fifteen percent discount on the eShop price when the full game releases - for up to a month after the game launches.

The games that are part of the initiative are:

  • Extreme Exorcism (Ripstone)
  • forma.8 (Mixed Bag)
  • Freedom Planet (GalaxyTrail Games)
  • Lovely Planet (tiny Build / QUICKTEQUILA)
  • Mutant Mudds Super Challenge (Renegade Kid)
  • RIVE (Two Tribes)
  • Runbow (13AM Games)
  • Soul Axiom (Wales Interactive)
  • Typoman (Headup Games)

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