Future NES and SNES games for Nintendo Switch Online will be released eventually

Posted 06 Sep 2019 at 14:47 by Sam C Gittins
Are you enjoying thos recently released SNES games which have just launched today as part of the Nintendo Switch Online service? You are? Good, because there will be more SNES games and NES games... at some point.
It seems that the current response from Nintendo when asked about it by Vooks is as follows... concerning the release of future titles for the Nintendo Switch Online NES and SNES, titles “will be added after launch, but those releases will not adhere to a regular schedule”.
So there we have it, on the one hand we could get another twelve games in a couple of weeks or we could end up getting two titles in another two months. Obviously this is just speculation based on the information which is now out there but we'd like to hope that Nintendo isn't just going to gradually drip-feed the entire library again like it ended up doing with the Virtual Console in the end.
Whatever happens, we'll surely end up getting some interesting titles the longer than the service is available we would hope and in the meantime, do try out a few rounds of Super Tennis online with a friend, as the accompanying "sarcastic clap" as we've dubbed it on the N-Europe forums really adds to the experience.
Are there any titles you've hoping for which might be released in the future on the service? Have you tried out the first batch of SNES games yet? Will we see some titles which didn't get released in the UK or Europe originally?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments section or join in with the discussion on our forum.