GameCube Modem Aproved

It's what we have all been waiting for since E3, the word on everyones lips - When will the GameCube go online?
Nintendo have been very secretive in regards to GameCube's online capabilities and when we will see it, but finally we have some word about it's progress!

The Japan Approvals Institute for Telecommunications Equipment has approved Nintendo's modem for use in Japanese homes, a massive step in Nintendo's plans for online gaming. Surprisingly, Nintendo's Broadband Adaptor (Cable, DSL etc) was not submitted for examination.

Also announced was the, extremely original, official name of the modem, - The "Nintendo GameCube Modem Adapter". Surprise surprise! The unit passed inspection on November 30th (authorization number A01-1056JP).

With "if?" out of the way, the big question still remaining is "when?" Will we see it released alongside Phantasy Star Online on it's scheduled Japan release of March 2002? Only time will tell, but I'm excited already!

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