Games Day: Star Fox Impressions

There may have been some problems at Rare, especially for the last half year, but this definitely doesn't show in Star Fox Adventures.

Perhaps you missed the news lately, but last week Nintendo held a Games Day where selected members of the press could preview their upcoming titles. Visit this page for more related news.

Star Fox Adventures was there as well, and was for me one of the most impressive titles, perhaps even more impressive than Mario Sunshine. Developer Rare created another masterpiece, as we have all started to expect from this company. Enough speculations, rumors and theories have been told about the company going multi-platform in the future, but Star Fox shows that Rare is still dedicated to Nintendo.

You have probably already seen some movies and lots of screenshots from this game, and I'm sure you think it looks incredible, but I have to say it again: Wow! Fox's fur is just so detailed, it makes you drool. Those details are just unbelievable. This also goes for the rest of the environment and characters. Beautiful environments, great looking dinosaurs.

The gameplay was also flawless, the controls were exactly in the way you wanted them to be. After finding Fox's fighting stick, you can hit anything you want, and this is very useful. You can use it to kick special bombs out of a tree, or to defeat enemies of course.

There was only one drawback in the game, and that was strange enough the level where you had to fly your Arwing through outer space. As you may know, the original Star Fox games on the Super NES and N64 were mostly about flying through space. Therefore I think it's strange that this flying level didn't give me a special feeling at all. I didn't like the graphics, they were nothing compared to the rest of the game. Fortunately Namco will bring us another Star Fox game, all about flying, and hopefully that will be better than the level I played.

Overall, a very impressive game, with some of the most beautiful 3D environments ever seen in a videogame. Add to that the detailed characters and the flawless controls, and you have a masterpiece. Despite the disappointing flying level, this game is a must-have for all GameCube fans.

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