Games Day: TS 2 Impressions
Posted 09 Aug 2002 at 16:02 by Tim Symons
With only a few First Person shooters released on the GameCube now, I was looking forward to playing this game at Games Day 2002. I had already studied the screen shots for quite a while and expected quite a lot from this game. Guess what... The game lived up to my expectations!
The game took a while to get used to. Actually, I died three times before I figured out all the controls. The first level started out quite difficult. Almost immediately after entering the level I got attacked by a dozen guards who I had to shoot with only a mini pistol. At least that is what I thought. After a while I found out that I also had a Sniper Rifle. Boy, that made my life much easier! Now it was time to really start playing the game...
The graphics of the game are awesome. The characters look cartoonish and yet also very releastic, both in their appearance and their movement. You can see bullets fly through the air and the sunshine reflecting in the weapons. I played a beta version of TimeSplitters 2, and therefore I do not know what the graphics would look like in the final version. I can tell you though, if the graphics will be further tuned as the release draws nearer, you will find this game a candy for your eyes.
The enemies in this game have a very good AI. In fact, I had quite a bit of trouble in the beginning killing these buggers! First of all, they jump behind walls when they get fired upon, and secondly, they wear bullet proof vests! In order to kill them with one shot you really have to shoot them in the head or else you have to shoot them 5 times in their body. Later in the game though, I got some stronger weapons - machine guns and rocket launchers - which could easily penetrate their armor.
The version I played was quite child friendly. I didn't see any blood flying around while I rattled my machine gun aiming and killing dozens of soldiers. My guess is that the blood had not been put in the game yet. Do not worry if you are one of those blood keen guys, because Radical Design - the developers - have not finished the game yet.
In all, this game was a lot of fun to play. Not only did the game graphics look good, also the gameplay lived up my expectations. Timesplitters 2 will truly make a good addition to your GameCube game library!
For more detailed information on this game check out our preview section! A review will be published as soon as we get our hands on the final version of this game later this year.
Here are some grabs of the game in action: