Gametrailers to shut down, after a 13 year run.

Posted 09 Feb 2016 at 10:32 by Dean Anderson
In a sad turn of events, the video game media giant Gametrailers is to close its doors effective today, according to a series of tweets from several staff members and the official Gametrailers Twitter account.
The website, that started in August 2002 and is no doubt famous amongst Nintendo fans for their excellent works over the years, such as the amazing Zelda Retrospective series, Popfiction and the infamous Pach-Attack! is much beloved by us all here at N-Europe and we thank the staff for all of the many years of fine entertainment and news coverage they have provided over the years. You have been a constant inspiration to us all.
To all of the staff that have worked at the site over its illustrious history, we hope that you all swiftly land on your feet and continue to do what you love to do.