Gaming couture: Console cool

How can gaming reach critical acclaim and become something to be proud of? Will we ever see the likes of gaming icons rivalling A-list celebrities? Mario Beckham anyone?

In a world where increasingly image is everything, gaming is taking a new direction in terms of 'cool.' As much as I hate to say this, the PlayStation brand introduced people to gaming who always saw the pursuit as geekish. But has that perception ever faded?

To evolve successfully gaming has to change. Nintendo has altered focus � more games, shorter games, more mainstream titles. Epics are not so much on the agenda, yet conformity is definitely on. Some would say that quality is suffering, and in some cases it is. But new talent is always shining through what is other wise a dirt ridden stained-glass window.

True gaming gems are not that arduous to come by. Yu Suzuki, Peter Molyneux, Hideo Kojima and of course Nintendo's very own nearly always offer something promising to sink our fingers into. Miyamoto-san is often credited with some of the best titles of late, but his equally deserving team never shares the limelight. Could Miyamoto become a cult figure with the world public? I don't think so. Whereas big-name sub-par Hollywood directors are household names, gaming's finest are being ignored. But without a public-friendly figure, it's no surprise.

The late nineties saw the debut of Lara Croft, who seemed to personify what gaming was all about. How wrong they were. She just represented the immature, male orientated, antisocial perception of gaming. It's a known fact that most gamers are of the masculine variety, and why is this so?

The whole perception of gaming, with misanthropic teens spending hours unlocking high scores continues to be believed by the ignorant. And in some cases those perpetrators would be correct. Gaming is an addiction like no other, yet it isn't as fashionable as other unmentionable pastimes.

There's always going to be the comparisons between gaming and music. Image, style, attention to detail and hunger for publicity are common traits. Acclaim's shameless rebranding of Dave Mirra's biking game to some nudity emblazoned swear-fest was astonishing. But you're not likely to see that on the front page of working class favourite 'The Sun'. You may, however, read intimate details concerning Posh's plans for Romeo's birthday extravaganza. Which is more important?

The gaming hardcore could never square up to Nirvana groupies. Why? Well where's the sex, drugs, rock and roll in gaming? I could hardly see Princess Peach smoking a spliff while watching a porn movie. However, a glasses wearing mushroom called Toad is deemed less disturbing. I beg to differ.

Some of my most defining gaming moments come courtesy of Nintendo and Sega. The Shenmue series could have, if marketed with enough talent, became the milestone when normal 'videogame ignoring' citizens sat up and took notice. Likewise, creativity-packed titles such as Jet Set Radio, the next-gen Zelda and Mario, and others reek of quality unachievable in a movie. Films do not offer the level of interactivity on offer with videogames. Soon they will become so huge, people will start to wonder why it took so long for us all to catch a ride to gaming paradiso.

In the meantime, observe the continuing evolution of the gaming platform. In ten years I predict the format will be barely recognisable, being incorporated into a miscellaneous list of technological niceties. Only then will gaming become as popular as it deserves to be.

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