Giveaway: Donkey Konga 2

To celebrate the release of Donkey Konga 2 in Japan, Lik-Sang and Cube-Europe have teamed up to bring you a another one of our famous fast and furious giveaways!

Our friends over at Lik-Sang have received stock of the much-anticipated Donkey Konga 2 for the Nintendo GameCube, and are selling it for the low sum of 40 euros.

We will be giving away one copy of the game, and winning it is very easy! The only thing you have to do is reply to this article with a comment (just one or you will be disqualified). The winner will be drawn in a few minutes. Good luck!

Update: And the winner is...

We have drawn the winner of our fast and furious giveaway - you can't deny it was fast! The lucky poster who has won a copy of Donkey konga 2 is:


Congratulations!! As for the rest... stay tuned for more giveaways at Cube-Europe in the near future. We would also like to give one more shout-out to our sponsor Lik-Sang. Tip: head on over there now to order your copy of Donkey Konga ;-)


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