Greak: Memories of Azur is coming to the Switch in 2020

Announced by Bromio and Navegante Entertainment at PAX 2019, Greak: Memories of Azur is a hand-drawn side-scrolling adventure game which will be coming to the Switch in 2020.

Check below for the details and a trailer...

Greak: Memories of Azur is a side scrolling single-player game with traditional hand drawn animation.

In this adventure, the player will take the role of three siblings: Greak, Adara and Raydel; whom you will need to guide through the lands of Azur. They will be able to alternate control between them at any moment and use their unique abilities to escape from the Urlag invasion.

Is this a game you might be interested in? Could this fill a small gap in the side-scrolling platforming adventure genre? Does the hand-drawn style of animation appeal to you?

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