Hands On: Kid Icarus Uprising

Posted 05 Feb 2011 at 13:25 by Aaron Clegg
"[the controls] become a bit difficult and cumbersome." |
Fans of the Kid Icarus series have been waiting for a new game for two decades, and after his inclusion in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, fans started to believe that the time for Kid Icarus' return was imminent. When the 3DS was announced at E3 2010 Nintendo confirmed this belief by making Kid Icarus: Uprising one of their showcase games. Pit even apologises for making you wait in the game's opening moments.
Kid Icarus: Uprising is unlike the two previous titles in the series however, so fans of the originals may have quite a surprise when they get their hands on the new game. The title can be split into two sections: aerial and on-ground missions. You can fly through the air for up to five minutes at a time before your wings burn up, causing you to then head onto the ground to do battle there. Its a pretty simple but effective way of mixing up the action.
The demo contained two different levels, although unfortunately we only played on one of them. The action was fast-paced and at times it was so fast that it became difficult to play. That being said, its an enjoyable sort of difficulty and makes the game promising as it looks like it will offer a real challenge for fans rather than being a quick throw away game.
I found the game's controls to be tricky to get used to and it seems so far people either love it or hate it. The circle pad is used to move Pit while the touch screen aims and the L button allows you fire. The combination of frequently using the touch screen and the circle pad is unlike most other titles and it is likely that players will take some time adjusting to the game. The controls worked better in the air than they did on the ground, during which they become a bit difficult and cumbersome. However, after playing the game for a while it may become second nature.
There are currently a few issues with the experience as it stands, such as the controls and Pit's voice, but they will by no means severely weaken the title if they remain as they are. Kid Icarus: Uprising is in a unique position on the 3DS so far as there are few comparable titles, and none of which are made by Nintendo themselves. With Reggie already stating that it won't be released until after E3 in June hopefully a bit more work can be put into fine tuning the game before it is released.