Happy B-Day C-E!: Ashs Story

So, who's next on our staff story list? The blue ball has been drawn, that means it's Ashs turn. They're all yours Ash...

Ash (AKA Ash San)

1. Could you tell the readers a little bit about yourself and how you joined Cube-Europe?

I am a near 16 (gotta sound older than I am ) male from the West Midlands of the UK. My brother was useful in my gaming upbringing (yet useless for everything else) because he was older so he was given a NES and SNES. We had other consoles such as Megadrives etc but I prefered the Nintendo ones. I can still remember being young and playing on 'Home Alone' on the NES, I can't remember if the game was good but I do remember we had it. The NES is long broke (the metal prongs at the back of the machine are out of place). The SNES saw a time of good games for me, and I carried on playing it until 1997. My all time favourite game was probably Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles: Turtles In Time and I suggest everyone try it. I managed to get my mom to get me a N64 when our Playstation broke for the 3rd time and I loved it. I can remember never finishing my dinner for a few days because I just wanted to play it. I then brought the Game Boy Advance and Gamecube when they came out and I'm still enjoying them.

I got into CE right at the start of October. I was in the chat room and Tim came in asking if anyone was intrested in a job part. I started talking to him and he asked if I had any experience and I said yes, an UK Nside. He told me to write an example news piece and send it him by the next day. All that day I was thinking I had to do something special and I was getting worried that I wouldn't be able to find anything. Luckily for me the FairPlay Campaign was announced and I posted that. He accepted my news piece and I joined. Ever since I helped a bit to build up the games database but Mock exams got in the way (thank you all you guys who helped when I couldn't do it).

2. So what exactly do you do at Cube-Europe?

I post news articles and update the database if it is needed. Thats about it but I still find it hard at various times for various reasons, but I wouldn't give it up!

3. What is the best part of what you do?

The joy of working for a big site, ahhh the glory, lol.

4. What is the worst part of what you do?

Posting long interviews, I have to put in all the HTML code and it gets annoying.

5. What have been your personal highs and lows for the past year?

Well as I have been at CE for but a short while I would have to say joining it and enjoying it. My lows, probably posting a news article thats already posted, but pobertys nerfect.

6. How do you think the last year has been for Cube-Europe?

I have only started coming within the last year but it has been great. I loved it here because it is a place where European news is updated constantly. They have always been on top of big events. I say C-E have had a great year! And and lets not forget, the great new system (thanks Flowcore!).

7. How do you think it has been for games sites in general?

Well IGN have had a controversial year. The boards becoming members only shocked a lot of people (and forced me into coming here) and the site becoming more and more insider-only has made people branch out. I think there have been a lot of shocks, suprises and good things this year for games sites. C&VG must have had tons of hits when they revealed the Gamecube date for Europe.

8. How do you think it has been for Nintendo?

With the likes of Super Mario Sunshine being released in all countries, Metroid Prime in the states and Zelda in Japan its been one hell of a year. Plus the Gamecube launching in Europe it sure is a good year for Nintendo but could be better (such as more titles here in Europe).

9. What does the next year hold for you and Cube-Europe?

Well as I continue reporting news I hope to become more and more involved but not too much. This year should be good for Nintendo with Metroid and Zelda so im sure they'll be a lot of work near those releases, but at the end of the day, we get the games so the work is acceptable.

10. Finally, any last words to the readers?

Thanks for reading, otherwise we'ld be talking to ourselves. With the new system in place it closes the gap between reader and staff a bit and its great to hear your feedback on everything, including news pieces. I hope to see you all, and more, throughout the year!

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