Happy B-Day C-E!: Dans Story

Next on the staff story list is one of C-Es youngest staffers; ladies and gentlemen, I present Dan...

Dan (AKA Dan)

1. Could you tell the readers a little bit about yourself and how you joined Cube-Europe?

Who am I? Well, I am Dan Reynolds and I have been here at cube-europe for a while now...years, I don't have a good memory, so I can't tell you how many exactly. How I joined? Well, somehow someone at cube-europe (n64-europe at the time) e-mailed me and told me they saw one of my review (god knows how they found it, cause I don't really remember writing one, but it turns out to have been a great find, for my case). They e-mailed asking me if I would like to join the staff; I was ecstatic, well not really, but I was pleased. I of course said yes, and so from then on I have been part of the cube-europe staff, happily writing reviews for games that I play anyways.

2. So what exactly do you do at Cube-Europe?

As I said before, I write reviews and sometimes previews. Thats about it...new games that I purchase I usually write a review about unless someone else has already.

3. What is the best part of what you do?

Best part of what I do? Well, the satisfaction of knowing people are actually reading my work, and hopefully it is helping them make an informed decision in their game choices.

4. What is the worst part of what you do?

Worst part is...getting my lazy ass to actually write the reviews. That is the hardest part. It is easy once I get started, but getting to start can be hard for some reason

5. What have been your personal highs and lows for the past year?

Personal highs...uh...I guess my highs are now. Why you ask? Well, I will indulge you. When I first started off, I was a newbie (man I hate that term) at writing reviews, etc. and so my work wasn't amazing. However, NOW I think my reviews are much better, and those who read them better think they are good, or I am going to start breaking some faces!

6. How do you think the last year has been for Cube-Europe?

The last year for cube-europe has been great. This site has acually turned out to be a lot bigger than I thought it could ever be. Staff members are asked to go to conferences by Nintendo and other companies, we get exclusive interviews and pictures, and some of our information is posted on other sites and even in magazines. It is truly amazing.

7. How do you think it has been for games sites in general?

Games sites are doing great. There are now more visitors than ever. Partly because most gamers are older now, so they access the internet more. I know that but a few years ago, I did not use the internet all that much. Also, the internet itself has caught on. It is almost like a plauge, it has effected everyone now; the young and the old. Lastly, games themselves have become huge, so many people are buying them that is it mind boggling, and maybe a little scary. Games are like books now, interactive ones.

8. How do you think it has been for Nintendo?

Nintendo are now doing better, with the release of Zelda and Japan, Gamecube and especially GBA are selling like there is no tommorow. It is ridiculous. Nintendo are getting out of the ditch they were stuck in the N64 days. However, only time will tell if this trend continues.

9. What does the next year hold for you and Cube-Europe?

Well, I will be becoming a senior in highschool, be taking SATs and all that not so fun stuff that everyone has to deal with. Hopefully, I will get off my lazy ass and get my drivers licence...naaaa! But with all those changes, I can assure you (all my fans) that I will continue to write stunning reviews for this stellar website. Cube-europe will continue to gain attention, and maybe I'll even get ot go to some sort of gaming event...

10. Finally, any last words to the readers?

Last words are always tough to think of. And so I will just thank all of you for continually supporting Cube-europe and I hope you continue to do so.

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