Happy B-Day C-E!: Freddys Story

Next on our staff story list is the ever-exubient Freddy (AKA GamecubeGod), a high-spirited guy indeed.

Freddy (AKA GamecubeGod)

1. Could you tell the readers a little bit about yourself and how you joined Cube-Europe?

Hey guys (and girls)! Firstly, thanks for all the support you've paid http://www.cube-europe.com/ over the 2 years that we've been going! Well now, about myself.... My name is Freddy, and I joined http://www.cube-europe.com/ as a lowly forum member. About 2 months into my membership, Jim (bless his merry soul) offered me the position of Q&A guy! I gladly accepted, and filled this position for about 5 months, until schoolwork piled on top of me due to exams. I agreed with Tim (woo, go Tim!) that it would be best to leave the Q&A position, so I did! However, I was immediately appointed as a review writer, and I have so far completed four reviews for the site! They are NBA Courtside 2002, Mario Sunshine, Tarzan Freeride and Red Card. Well, that brings us up to date!

2. So what exactly do you do at Cube-Europe?

As I just said, I write reviews for Cube-Europe, and I'm generally the coolest person on the site! (yeah right - Ed)

3. What is the best part of what you do?

Well it's all good, clean fun. I don't get paid for anything I do, but I do it because I like to do it. The best part for me has to be the community that goes with http://www.cube-europe.com./ The forums thrive, and it's a great place to come and share opinions. All that, and the free games that I get sent!

4. What is the worst part of what you do?

I don't really think there is a worst part. I have no problems with the work, and it's all fun! Cube-europe is a great site, and I see no bad aspects within the work I do for the site!

5. What have been your personal highs and lows for the past year?

I won't tell you about the highs and lows within my personal life, but within the realms of http://www.cube-europe.com/ my high point surely has to be the review of Mario Sunshine I did. Low point? Hmmmm, tough......Perhaps the review of Tarzan! Hehehe.

6. How do you think the last year has been for Cube-Europe?

Cube-Europe has thrived. We are the biggest independent unofficial Gamecube site around, and that is an achievement. The new layout is great, and the comment system is a great new feature for you all to give us feedback, so we know how to improve the site for you all!

7. How do you think it has been for games sites in general?

As ever, games sites have always been first with all the important news that you need. http://www.cube-europe.com/ is no exception, and our news editors work hard everyday to bring you important news that you shouldn't miss out on!

8. How do you think it has been for Nintendo?

It's been a mixed year for the Greatest Games Company on the Planet. Japanese sales have boomed in the last month, putting a significant gap between the Gamecube and the X-Box, but Nintendo haven't managed to pull as far ahead in Europe and America, although worldwide sales of the Gamecube are higher than those of Microsoft's powerhouse.

In terms of games, Nintendo has really pushed the boat out, with more to come in 2003. Metroid and Animal Crossing in America, Zelda in Japan and Mario and Starfox in all regions, Nintendo have really put out the big guns, as well as all the third and second party support that has been gratefully received. Resident Evil, Eternal Darkness and Timesplitters 2 have been the three true highlights from an outside company, and they continue to sell well.

Nintendo have had a good year, but 2003, I expect, will be a lot better! With Metroid, Animal Crossing, and Zelda all being released in Europe, sales should be bolstered here. F-Zero is set to land in Japan in '03, as well as many other highly anticipated games. Nintendo are back, and they're here to stay.

9. What does the next year hold for you and Cube-Europe?

For me it holds many a good time, and hopefully the same for Cube-Europe. Long may it live, and may 2003 bring it all the great things that it deserves!

10. Finally, any last words to the readers?

I hope you had a bonzer Christmas, and you have a great new year. May you continue to visit and support Cube-Europe, and thanks to all those who have done for the past 2 years! Game Over?

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