Happy B-Day C-E!: Matthews Story

Apparently, Matthew is crap at this sort of thing, I'll let you judge for yourself on that.

Matthew (AKA Ford Perfect)

1. Could you tell the readers a little bit about yourself and how you joined Cube-Europe?

The name's Bond, James Bond
Nah its Matthew Halfpenny really, guys at work call me "spoons". I'm 17, live in England, in a crappy little town which I can't stand, but hey thats life. I've been a ninty fan since the n64, before that I was a Sega man (still am at heart I guess) I got the cube soon as it came out in the UK, and then later in june I got a modded import cube, so I could import Eternal Darkness. other than that, I went all hypocritical and bought an Xbox, I've now got Live, but due to other reasons I can't yet play online with my Xbox.

I came to C-E through a search engine as I was searching for a good Nintendo site, since N64cc had closed and they guys there hadn't done a GC sight . I came to the site every day for some time, to read the news and look at the count down clock to the release of the cube. Then I decided to come take a look at the forums, had a bit of a look round and decided to stay and joined up on the 17th of April '02. Eventually I became a mod, in Gamecube Chat at first, then I got moved to the rival consoles board as it was a little hot in there and there were only two mods there at the time, then I got mod of Gamecube Chat again and now keep an eye on both of them. Recently I got in the elites, 3rd time lucky, nearly got in on the first two occasions, but just missed out. oh yeah and don't forget "the" finger -->

I'm a pretty straight talking guy, I don't mince my words and I speak my mind.

2. So what exactly do you do at Cube-Europe?

Well as I said I'm a mod, so when ever I get chance I come on and trawl through a the more "suspect" looking threads and see what stays and what doesn't. I won't take any crap about it either.

3. What is the best part of what you do?

3: Best part? Well that would be finding an offensive or otherwise useless/spam post by a person who I really don't care for and pressing the delete button and erasing it, the rest is just a job, and i do it cos I'm committed/should be committed.

4. What is the worst part of what you do?

Worst part of my job? Well that wud prob be IMing various different people who take no notice of the rules, and have stupidly massive sigs and avatars. Oh and dealing with spammers/double posters is pretty annoying too, why can't they just find the modify button?

5. What have been your personal highs and lows for the past year?

Personal highs, well the first was nearly getting in the elites, after that I was pleased as punch when I became a mod, and again more recently when I got in the elites. Reaching 1000 posts was quiet a thing too, a good acheivement for me, as I don't post massive amounts every day. On a more personal note, pulling the new girl at work at the company xmas do was a very high moment too. ;)

6. How do you think the last year has been for Cube-Europe?

6: Hmmm the last year for C-E, need I say the words "server trouble"? It seems that the site has been cursed by some evil git somewhere and I'd love to find them too. Other than that its has been in my eyes a very successful year on the whole, the site attracts a lot of visitors and another sign people take notice of the site is the flack the site received over Tims "megaton" thing on the site.

7. How do you think it has been for games sites in general?

Gaming sites in general, well its going pretty well, with a new entrant to the gaming market and all the mixing up of the gaming market, buyouts and stuff. it's a lot of news and generates a fair bit of interest, meaning more visitors.

8. How do you think it has been for Nintendo?

Hmm for nintendo, well its been both up and down, you've got the up of the most successful European launch ever, and then you got the down of the bloody EU fining Nintendo. A very mixed year indeed, well as they say "things can only get better!"

9. What does the next year hold for you and Cube-Europe?

Hmmm the next year at C-E, well probably holds in store a few more server crashes, another 1000 or so posts for me, other than that I think C-E will grow further, its all up from here.

10. Finally, any last words to the readers?

Hmmm last notes for readers, have a good year, don't drink too much and wake up in hospital like I did at the works xmas do, and don't do what I wouldn't do. Which on the last comment is pretty much owt really oh and stick with C-E we not a bad bunch, we grown on you, kinda like impatigo.

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