Happy B-Day C-E!: Steves Story

Um, eh, hmm, okay I've run out of witty things to say, just read Steves staff story, okay?

Steve (AKA steveplatt83)

1. Could you tell the readers a little bit about yourself and how you joined Cube-Europe?

Hey, my names Steve Platt and you have probably seen me in the forums as I'm like there usually if im not out or working. I'm 19 and looking for some sort of better job than what I have.

I came to cube-europe just before the cube was released in the USA due to a friend of mine telling me about the site. After quite a few visits I decided to join the forums and then my whole Cube-Europe life started! I have been here over a year now. I have liked Nintendo most of my life well since the NES and gameboy was out! and i have followed Nintendo ever since and will continue to do so into my married life and old age.

2. So what exactly do you do at Cube-Europe?

I started out life at cube europe as a genral reader of the site and a normal poster at the forums and now im part of the C-E Elites and a Forum Moderator! I am also a Games Admin for the site and one of the Release date dudes who do their very best to get the most up to date release dates for cube-europes visitors.

3. What is the best part of what you do?

Although I only do a small amount compared to others I think the best has to be the forums and posting with fellow Nintendo dudes and laughing at them.

4. What is the worst part of what you do?

Trying to find out those damn Japanese Release dates is a pain.

5. What have been your personal highs and lows for the past year?

Hmmm not quite sure on this one maybe I have too many highs of this year some small some big, some not worth mentioning. Personal lows this year is the death of someone which i do not wish to talk about.

6. How do you think the last year has been for Cube-Europe?

The last year for C-E has been fantastic! Going from strength to strength and more popular by the day!

7. How do you think it has been for games sites in general?

I think games sites in general must be doing well as more and more people now use the internet and get news and reviews from gaming sites daily! iIstead of buying magazines which come out once a month with older news.

8. How do you think it has been for Nintendo?

Despite what some people may say I think its been a fantastic and revolutionary year for Nintendo! Think back to the launches of the cube they were very successful in all territories and look at all the great games out and coming out! This year has been great and what with games such as Metroid prime and Zelda being released in Europe next year it looks like Nintendo will have a very awesome start to the new year and beyond.

9. What does the next year hold for you and Cube-Europe?

For me just to keep having fun here at C-E.

10. Finally, any last words to the readers?

As the other guys have said hope you keep visiting C-E throughout this year as you know we rock and dont forget keep playing that Gamecube!

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