Happy Easter from N-Europe

Posted 27 Mar 2016 at 10:51 by Joshua Phillips
Happy Easter you (Exegg)cute lot! We here at N-Europe would like to wish you all a wonderful day and hope it's full of egg chomping and videogames.
Whether you're beating Eggman in one of the many fantastic 3D Sonic adventures, hatching a herd of Yoshi, rolling eggs around dressed as a chicken or angrily shooting eggs out of your mouth, we just hope your gaming has an Easter theme. We love themes here.
If you're just starting your Easter holidays (lucky for some, eh?) then stay tuned for another jam-packed week at N-E, along with a Throwback that will make you eggstatic.
But for now just get on your stretchy pants, surround yourself in chocolate and have a Robotnik day. Wait, am I doing this right?