Hideki Kamiya outlines journey from Bayonetta 1 to 3.

Posted 13 Feb 2018 at 08:48 by Jonathan Stanley
Hideki Kamiya, probably Platinum Games most notable game director and producer, has gone into detail on Twitter as to how Bayonetta 3 has come to fruition.
Possibly as a response to being asked about the game coming to other platforms, as was a feature of Bayonetta 2's announcement and release build up (and Kamiya's responses were fairly... acerbic, shall we say) on the Wii U, Kamiya has outlined how each game in the series so far has come to be.
On Bayonetta 1 he says;
"We are a developer that creates games by signing contracts with publishers and receiving funds from them in order to cover development costs. For Bayonetta 1, we signed a contract with Sega and received funds from them, then we proposed a design for the game and entered production. All of the rights belong to Sega.
At the time, our company had only just been established, and we weren't properly equipped for multiplatform development, so after discussing with Sega, we decided to develop the game exclusively for Xbox 360.
However, after that, one of Sega's trading partners ended up making a port for PS3, at Sega's behest. More recently, they also decided that a Steam version should be developed, which was released last year. Sega owns the rights to all of these versions."
On Bayonetta 2;
"When we started making Bayonetta 2, we initially received funds from Sega to develop the game for multiple platforms, but the project was halted due to circumstances at Sega. Nintendo then stepped in to continue funding the game, allowing us to finish it.
As such, the rights belong to Sega and Nintendo. The rights owners decided the game should be made for Wii U. Nintendo was also kind enough to fund a port of Bayo 1 for Wii U, and they even allowed us to use the Japanese voice track we created for the Wii U version in the PC version of Bayo 1 as well.
I am extremely thankful to Nintendo for funding the game, and to Sega for allowing them to use the Bayonetta IP.
And finally, for the upcoming Bayonetta 3;
"As for Bayonetta 3, it was decided from the start that the game was going to be developed using Nintendo's funding. Without their help, we would not have been able to kick off this project.
All of the rights still belong to Sega and Nintendo. The rights owners decided that the game should be made for Switch.
I cannot express how happy I am that we get to make Bayonetta 3, and we intend to do everything within our power to make it as good as it can be. That's all we can do, and we consider it our greatest mission."
Although quite a lengthy Twitter post (15 individual tweets long) it's great to see such a well respected developer go into great detail about just how these decisions are made. Ultimately, if a game gets to be made, isn't that a good thing regardless of console preference?
We'll have our Bayonetta 1 and 2 for Switch reviews ready on Wednesday, so be sure to check back then to see what we think!