Hypercharge: Unboxed receives a substantial update

Posted 04 Mar 2021 at 01:59 by Dennis Tummers
A little over a year ago we have reviewed Hypercharge: Unboxed, a first-person shooter meets tower defence title where you take control of a toy soldier to hold off waves of enemies.
The developers haven't been idle, as a number of improvements, balances and patches already came out for the game. Version 3 will be available tomorrow, and it adds even more new content, one year after release.
First of all player bots have been added to Cooperative Waves mode and Deathmatch, so you have more options while playing in single player mode or local splitscreen. Those who prefer a third-person view, that has been added as well next to the default first-person. Some minor tweaks such as map balancing and a cross-hair will improve your playstyle as well.
For your convenience you can check out the long list of changes in Hypercharge: Unboxed V3 below. Don't forget to update your game tomorrow!
- Improved weapon sounds for all weapons - Better in PvP!
- Improved overall player animations and movement to help the game feel better in Thirdperson.
- Added option to set number of Bots and their Difficulty.
- Added option to override the music in PvP.
- Added option to override what team the Bots will join in PvP.
- Added more game rules to allow choosing starting attachments and changing the weapons that spawn in the map in PvP!
- Added many new particles FX to spice up telling apart game-actors from the world.
- Improved performance in many areas from Particle FX to Nav Generation, Collision setup etc.
- Improved visuals and added new FX on many enemies (Zombies, Jets, Choppers, CargoPlanes, Tanks and more)
- Added player landing particles.
- Added new bullet impact sounds and FX for more materials.
- Added default spawn weapon and attachment types for different weapon sets (Snipers Only = Gives Scope)
- Added build tool particle FX.
- Added AddBot and RemoveBot commands to game.
- Added Shield Depleted and Recharge sounds.
- Added Power node cable electricity.
- Added brass ejection particle to weapons.
- Added it so Max Ammo now says the word HYPERCORE and POWERNODE in the colour of the core or node being damaged.
- Added crosshair to build mode.
- Added new spectator mode for PvP - Track the player who killed you for a few seconds until respawn.
- Improved lighting and atmospherics on a few maps (Garage, Kitchen and more)
- Improved jump-pads timing and velocity calculations.
- Improved the prompt highlight to now be context based. Will find and attach what you pointed at, and the player will comment on that actor. (Enemy, Pickup or Core etc)
- Improved Spinners with colored explosions.
- Improved VFX for better gameplay experience (e.g. Powernodes show electricity & radar, Jumppads have indicator)
- Improved VFX for all weapons (new BB bullet casings, muzzle flashes)
- Improved damage indication for NPCs (e.g. damage stages for tanks etc.)
- Improved VFX and feedback for NPCs (e.g. Experiments)
- Improved gameplay for weapons
- Improved VFX for weapons
- Improved SFX attachment levels for weapons
- Various Fixes and Changes
- Added new optimised emitter system for impact particles.
- Added proper fallback fonts for other languages.
- Changed colour of Attachment Pickups to be different from Weapon Pickups.
- Fixed Car collision in Garage map.
- Fixed collision of turret base to allow walking inbetween turrets around a core.
- Fixed many Navigation Mesh bugs for many maps (and created a few new ones)
- Fixed crashing issue related to physics cleanup.
- Fixed crashing issues during server travel back to lobby.
- Fixed broken muzzle flashes on other players.
- Fixed build spots in Garden.
- Fixed Glider Planes dive-bombing the ground after spawn.
- Fixed Chungus getting stuck in many areas.
- Fixed missing PowerNode cables in maps.
- Fixed text issues and spelling mistakes in a few places.
- Fixed traps, not counting to the stats properly in some types of kills.
- Fixed batteries and other pickups being able to fall through world boundaries.
- Fixed broken lighting in some areas of some maps.
- Fixed build tool showing in PvP on players.
- Fixed dropped weapons and attachments, not being cleaned up in the world.
- Fixed jump-pads affecting some enemies that it shouldn't.
- Fixed turrets targeting some enemies that they shouldn't.
- Fixed minigun holding angle in thirdperson.
- Fixed a few sound distance issues in the world.
- Fixed players able to spawn inside a newly placed Turret and getting stuck.
- Fixed many navfixes and improvements for Tutorial map.
- Fixed weapon 'beams' showing incorrectly when you can't pick up a dropped weapon.
- Fixed PvP spawning non-PvP pickups sometimes.
- Fixed for missing or broken materials in a few levels.
- Fixed voice commands kicking players out of servers.
- Fixed banner material in Hallway_Hard
- Fixed bathroom ghost spinner.
- Fixed grenade launcher particle offset.
- Fixed missing zomibe animations.
- Fixed enemies ignoring their target core if something minor interrupts their pathfinding.
- Fixed microwave collision
- Fixed issues with losing focus on main menu.
- Fixed delay on credits page world hiding FX.
- Fixed music track lists.
- Fixed mouse click-focus issues for loadout menu.
- Fixed AI issues regarding finding valid pathing and cores (meatbag and chungus fixes).
- Fixed minigun muzzle particle spinning.
- Fixed pickup highlighting when changing weapons and spawning.
- Fixed strange finger pose that everyone keeps mentioning.
- Fixed stuck zombies on attic in some areas.
- Fixed a few stuck areas in KidsBedroom
- Fix for impact particles copying the scale of what they are attached to.
- Fixed build spot emitters colour not updating after spawn.
- Improved time required holding USE to pick up a pickup (in PvP).
- Fixed weapon pickup highlight beams showing for weapons you cant pick up.
- Optimised Navigation Mesh generation time in all levels.
- Optimised Collision Initialization time in all levels. (Removing skybox collisions)
- Improved spectator input movement and rotation.
- Fixed Menu crash in rare instance.
- Improvements for bootstraper on Windows.
- Build tool gives credits to player when destroying a Bots buildable.
- Improved Game Rules system to cache values to improve lookup performance.
- Many balance changes to weapons, enemies and wave-spawns.