"I would love to make a sequel to one of my own games"

Posted 29 Aug 2013 at 12:00 by Mohamed Ali
The Wonderful 101 arrived in Europe, Australia & Japan last week. It was Platinum Games' largest project and it looks as though Hideki Kamiya (The Wonderful 101 Director) would like to make a seuqel if a chance were to present itself. The "Mass-hero action" action game left us with a lasting impression, so hearing that there's a possibility of a future sequel is music to our ears. This is what the man had to say to IGN.
Hideki Kamiya: "I really have no idea at this point, but I would love to make a sequel to one of my own games. We put a tremendous amount of work into this game and it would be unfortunate if I would not get the chance to tell a new story with these characters.
"However, some of the bad guys you beat in this game won’t appear in a sequel. That’s kind of a depressing thought."
Clearly a lot of thought has to go in before Platinum Games can even begin to consider a sequel, but in the meantime we know that they are hard at work developing the Wii U exclusive, Bayonetta 2, and if Kamiya had is way, he would want the original Bayonetta to be ported to Nintendo's home console as well.
Hideki Kamiya: "I would love to make that happen, so that gamers unfamiliar with the first game get to play it," he explained. "This is just my personal opinion, however. I have not much say over the matter.
"However, I think designers should always keep in mind that not everyone has played the previous title, even if this was released on the same platform. You have to make sure that even players who are unfamiliar with the franchise are able to keep up."
So far it seems that Nintendo and Platinum Games have formed quite the team, but what does Kamiya think about Plantinum joining Nintendo as a second-party developer?
Hideki Kamiya: "I would love that. It would be great to work more closely with Nintendo."
Do you like the idea of Platinum Games as second-party developer for Nintendo? What about Bayonetta being ported to the Wii U? Perhaps you would prefer to see a sequel to The Wonderful 101?
Share your thoughts in the comments below!