Iconoclasts coming to Switch in 2018

Posted 11 Apr 2018 at 10:31 by Sam C Gittins
Iconoclasts is an action platformer videogame by the developer Joakim "Konjak" Sandberg, published by Bifrost Entertainment and has been released earlier this year on other platforms with very favourable reviews.
Now it seems that the Metroidvania title is coming to the Switch complete with additional content according to the following Tweet...
"IT'S OFFICIAL!!! MP2 Games is porting Iconoclasts to Nintendo Switch! The game is releasing later this year with a new Boss Rush mode, and will be playable at EGX. Congratulations to konjak, and hope all of you will be able to play it soon!!
(sorry for all the teasing)" - Mathias Kaerlev (via Twitter)
Check out the video below and feel free to join in the conversation on our forum, let us know if you're excited about yet another seemingly excellent indie title making it across to the Nintendo Switch.