Impressions: Super Monkey Ball

With Super Monkey Ball and Rogue Leader accompianing my brand new Gamecube, eating, sleeping and other non-essential actions have been waved, because they are that damn good.

Rogue Leader time has been seriously cut short because every time I go into SMB to just have a go at Monkey Target, or play a game of Monkey Billiards I end up going through the cracker singleplayer again or challenging a mate to game after game of Monkey Fight. It really is that addictive.

And the multiplayer, oh the multiplayer. It is undoubtedly one of the greatest multiplayer games ever, if not the greatest. The games are that simple, you just need to worry about having fun, and fun you will have. Monkey Fight with 3 mates is just so brilliant, and the rest of the mini/party games are as good. Especially Monkey target, whiich is just so class.

And then there is the singleplayer, soooooo difficult. I've done all the Beginner and Advanced levels (Advanced took quite a while to do, I'll tell you that) but Expert? That's a whole different matter. I haven't got past the fifth level, it is just so hard. The game really lures you into a false sense of security with the incredibly simple controls and easy first levels. Games really should be more simple these days, they'd be more fun. Expect a review soon.

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