Indie World presentation to be broadcast on Tuesday 10th December at 6PM UK time

Posted 09 Dec 2019 at 15:13 by Sam C Gittins
Here we go, out of nowhere Nintendo have annoucned a brand new Indie World Presentation to be broadcast tomorrow on Tuesday 10th of December at 6pm UK time.
(7pm CET / 10am PT / 1pm ET)
You can find the text from the original tweet below...
Tune in tomorrow, 10/12 at 7pm CET for a new #IndieWorld showcase livestream featuring roughly 20 mins of information on some upcoming indie games for #NintendoSwitch!
As always, here at N-Europe we'll cover this latest Indie World event soon after it has aired so expect the usual roundup article in the evening.
Credit to forum member Helmsly for promptly posting this information on our forum.
Will you be tuning in for this latest presentation? Are there any games you'll be hoping for which might not have released dates yet? Or are you wanting some king of huge megaton announcement? (personally I think a physical release for Cadence of Hyrule wouldn't go amiss)
Let us know your thoughts in the comments section or join in with the discussion on our forum.