Interview: BMX XXX

Homelan have interviewed Acclaim's PR director Alan Lewis about this highly controversial game.

HomeLAN - How did the idea for creating a BMX game with adult content come about?

Alan Lewis - Acclaim's Dave Mirra BMX brand has sold more than 3 million units worldwide, and is the #1 BMX brand in world. According to research data, more than 60% of the owners of the next- generation hardware systems (PS2, Xbox, GameCube) are males 18-34. Because of this shift in our target audience, as well as supporting data that illustrates that the top-selling video games are "M" rated (GT3 and Max Payne), we are doing is diversifying our BMX portfolio to include two products � BMX XXX an arcade-style, mature-oriented game infused with humor and Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 3 � which will be a simulation game that includes licensed riders such as Dave Mirra.

Those gamers that grew up playing SNES and Genesis are now young adults, which is testimony to the staying power of interactive entertainment in our pop culture. Quite simply, they never put the controller down, are rabid consumers of new technologies and among the first wave of early adopters. That said, they crave entertainment experiences that are more realistic, far more immersive and most importantly, relevant to the world they live in.

HomeLAN - Most people are emphasising the content in BMX XXX but what can you tell us about the actual BMX gameplay experience?

Alan Lewis - BMX XXX at its foundation is an incredible BMX game experience that is steeped in the tradition of outrageous arcade action and incredible tricks. We chose to infuse this game with mature humor and content that is reflective of the lifestyle of our audience. The mature content we added is in the vein of such movies like American Pie, Scary Movie and Animal House, as well as national programs like "The Howard Stern Show," all of which resonate with the core demographic of today's gamers. In fact, the type of content that we're adding has been shown in feature films for the past 25 years.

The use of BMX bikes is simply the conduit for the delivery of humor and the gameplay experience.

Arcade-style games are among the easiest to take creative license with, and we have gone to great lengths, including hiring a comedy writer, to make sure that this formula works. At the end of the day, this game must be fun, and it is.

HomeLAN - What does adding content such as naked women and adult comedy bring to BMX XXX?

Alan Lewis - Our use of sexuality, is in line with what's been done in film and TV for the past 25 years, and is another component of the game that appeals to our target audience. The game contains adult language, topless computer-generated female characters, as well as video footage of topless strippers from the popular Scores club. There is no sexual intercourse in our game.

BMX XXX carries an "M" rating from the ESRB, as that content falls within their guidelines for that rating.
Again, we believe that this game has a valid place in the marketplace, supported by hardware demographic research and TRSTS reports of top-selling software.

HomeLAN - Obviously Acclaim must have known that this game would generate controversy but did the company expect this much attention to be put into BMX XXX?

Alan Lewis - Going into this project, we anticipated that this game would spark debate regarding the maturation of the interactive entertainment industry. I think it's opened the minds of a lot of people who previously viewed video games solely as a child's toy.

HomeLAN - Do you feel its important for publishers like Acclaim to embrace games like BMX XXX which strech some boundaries?

Alan Lewis - Absolutely. As any entertainment media evolves, it's critical that artists use the reach of that media to the fullest degree to create art that is reflective of today's society.

HomeLAN - Do you feel that if people would play the game itself that they will change their minds?

Alan Lewis - This game is a full entertainment experience. It's a great satirical romp that delivers the same experience as such widely accepted films as American Pie and Austin Powers. Comedy is entirely subjective and has to be seen and heard to be appreciated.

HomeLAN - What has the reaction been like from Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo to the game and have they suggested any changes to the game?

Alan Lewis - Sony requested that we remove the topless riders and cover the strippers from Scores with the BMX XXX logo. The Xbox and GameCube versions will include topless nudity.

HomeLAN - How does not having certain retailers like Wal-Mart sell BMX XXX affect the chances for the success of the game?

Alan Lewis - We anticipated that certain retailers would choose to not carry the product. However, we will still have significant distribution and the game will be available in more than 15,000 retail outlets nationwide.

HomeLAN - Does Acclaim have plans to create other "M" rated games with content similar to BMX XXX in the future?

Alan Lewis - That will depend on how consumers respond to BMX XXX.

HomeLAN - Finally, is there anything else you wish to say about BMX XXX?

Alan Lewis - BMX XXX is an entertaining, fun and most importantly funny gaming experience. If you're a fan of spoofs, satires and over-the-top humor in the vein of American Pie, Howard Stern, Airplane and Austin Powers then you'll truly appreciate this product.

It's important to remember, this game was designed for gamers over the age of 17. We encourage consumers to use the ESRB's rating system and make appropriate, educated purchases.

Source: HomeLan

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