Interview: Buffy: Chaos Bleeds

Members of the Buffy community got a chance recently to ask questions for Christopher Golden, co-writer of the game, to answer.

Members of Vivendi Universal's forums got a chance to ask co-writer of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds Christopher Golden about the game.

BUFFY COMMUNITY: Was it difficult to translate Buffy's compelling story and complex characters into a storyline that could be used in the game? Do you think that the translation was done well & that the audience will enjoy the storyline as much as the gameplay?

CG: A property like Buffy, which relies so heavily on character and mythos, would make a terrible game if it didn't begin with a story. The first time around (with the initial Buffy game), Tom Sniegoski and I were brought in to script, but the main story was already in place. I think that one had a decent story, but what I love about CHAOS BLEEDS is that this time-with us plotting it from the beginning-we were able to take much greater advantage of the series. The overall plot is complicated and involves two major villains from the series and the return of Faith . . . but beyond that, we've worked in loads of character stuff and appearances by supporting characters and villains that we think people will really enjoy. We're fans, and I know we'll enjoy it. So, I suppose to answer the question I'd say that gamers who aren't that interested in Buffy will not be slowed down or distracted by the story, but people who are big fans of the series should really enjoy it.

BUFFY COMMUNITY: Will all of the characters that you can be have the same abilities, or will those change to reflect the character? (EG: willow has magical abilities, Buffy is super strong, etc.)

CG: No, no. It would be so boring if they all had the same abilities. Buffy and Faith will be similar, of course, because they're both Slayers, but from the start we planned to have each of them have attacks etc. that are specific to them. Xander is fun, and pretty funny, as he's an ordinary guy, but the funniest has to be Sid the Dummy. There are people who didn't understand why we wanted to include him. I think as soon as they PLAY him, they'll get it. Plus, he's cool and funny. I think he'll be one of the highlights of the game. And, of course, playing as Willow you've got some serious magic mojo going on, starting small and working up to bigger things.

BUFFY COMMUNITY: Did they approach you to do a second game? Or did you approach them? Or was it a mutual approaches?

CG: I suppose it was mutual, though I don't remember that well. Even when we were working on the first game we talked a lot about doing the second one. It was sort of a given. We have some pretty cool ideas for other games. I'd love to do a Willow & Tara game, a Spike & Dru game (set over the course of the twentieth century), a Faith game (lots of ideas for that one). An Angel game, of course. But you never know what's going to happen next.

BUFFY COMMUNITY: Will there be any reference to past episodes in any form throughout the story or is this a self-contained storyline. Also are we going to see a lot of spoken dialogue within the game, will the story unfold via in game cut scenes, how does the character transitions work.

CG: Hmm. There're a lot of questions in there. The storyline is self-contained, yes, but a knowledge of the TV series will definitely enrich the experience. It's absolutely LOADED with stuff that will have more resonance for fans than for casual gamers. It won't detract from the experience for those who are just looking to dust some vamps, but for hardcore Buffy fans, the game's filled with things that will make you smile or shudder, or possibly both. There is a lot of dialogue, but we've done away with the Hub scenes from the first game. There are cut scenes that move the story forward (assuming they haven't been left out). The character transitions are accomplished in many different ways. You'll just have to wait and see. :-)

BUFFY COMMUNITY: Chaos Bleeds seems to offer gamers everything they couldn't have in the first great game. (playable scoobies, FAITH!!!, multiplayer). Which aspects of Chaos Bleeds or new features would you yourself like to see developed in future Buffy games?

CG: There are always characters you'd like to see more of. Or see at all. There are things we wanted but couldn't have, like the giant Mayor Demon Snake. One feature I'd really like to see is a game set in season three when Faith was pretty much evil, and have the player be able to choose to be Buffy or Faith, good or evil, and play through the game that way, designing a completely different game depending upon which path was chosen. For the most part, though, Chaos Bleeds has EVERYTHING I could want in a game. Serious asskicking combat, amazing puzzles concocted by Eurocom, and great characters, an interesting story, and subplots that explore the Buffy universe.

BUFFY COMMUNITY: In multiplayer mode will we have a chance to play as other characters from Buffy history? I think it would be great to have some old favorites like Angel, Cordelia, Darla, Glory, The Master, Adam, The Mayor, Drusilla and Kendra along with the current Buffy crowd.

CG: I agree. You'll have to wait and see who's there and who isn't. Personally, I'd like to see The Gentlemen.

BUFFY COMMUNITY: If you could write yourself into Chaos bleeds, what would your character offer the game?

CG: Hmm. A lot of Xander's lines, probably. And a strange prescient ability to let the player know what comes next.

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