Interview: Dennis Dyack

Posted 12 Mar 2004 at 21:30 by Ashley Jones
Game Informer recently spoke to Dennis Dyack, President of Silicon Knights, at the DICE summit.
Silicon Knights has just finished up Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes for the GameCube and President Dennis Dyack spoke about it and more at the DICE summit.
The full interview can be found over at Game Informer.
GIO: So why should someone who played through the original and paid 50 bucks back in the day go back and do it all over again?
DD: In our opinion, it's a totally different experience. The gameplay has been so dramatically changed and you can do so many new things that you couldn't do in the original � from that perspective it's a real new adventure. All the art and technology has been completely redone and enhanced. The music has all been redone and the only part that's really been kept is the story. Besides that it's entirely new, especially the cinematics. When you see them it puts a really different slant and perspective on the story itself and I think that Mr. Kojima and Mr. Kitamura really want to bring that to the forefront. From what you've so far, what do you think?
GIO: What would you like to see the next Eternal Darkness title to be, a prequel or a sequel?
DD: The next Eternal Darkness will expand upon the universe and tell stories that need to be told and have not been told and explain a few things that haven't been explained yet.
GIO: So, there will be another Eternal Darkness game someday?
DD: Some day, we certainly hope so.