Interview: Evolution Worlds have interviewed Ubi Soft's Producer Tats Myojo about the upcomming game, Evolution Worlds.

GameSpy: Please tell us about yourself and your role on the Evolution Worlds development team.

Tats Myojo: I am the producer on Evolution Worlds.

GameSpy: Give us a quick history for those not familiar with the series.

Tats Myojo: Evolution and Evolution 2 were two best-selling RPGs on the Dreamcast console. Evolution Worlds combines the two stories into one epic RPG adventure. The plot revolves around the adventures of two main characters, Mag Launcher and Linear Cannon. Mag is an adventurer, a heroic young man possessing the power of Cyframe technology (magical body weaponry). They are in search of an ancient, mysterious artifact called "Evolutia," the ultimate Cyframe created by an ancient civilization. Mag and Linear must find Evolutia before an evil empire gets their hands on it.

GameSpy: How does Evolution Worlds follow on from the original Dreamcast titles?

Tats Myojo: Evolution Worlds combines the two stories into one epic game, and also has a few goodies for GameCube gamers. The graphics were remapped and optimized to show off the GameCube's power. The characters are sharper and better animated, and the dungeons are more detailed and have better textures. Additionally, more than 100 voice parts were added to the game, both in-game and cutscenes feature full voice parts from nearly every character you encounter!

GameSpy: Sting developed a number of titles for the Dreamcast. Were you sad to see the demise of the machine?

Tats Myojo: The Dreamcast was a great machine to develop titles for, but I am sure Sting will agree, that we are even more excited to see the power of consoles like the GameCube, PS2, and Xbox. We have just touched the surface, the possibilities are endless!

GameSpy: Are you guys excited about the GameCube as a gaming platform?

Tats Myojo: Yes! The GameCube is a great machine to work with. I am impressed with the storage capacity of the three-inch GameCube disc -- the amount of voice we added to the disc is truly amazing. The graphics and processing power are incredible as well. It is hard to improve on the Dreamcast console, but Evolution Worlds looks incredible on the GameCube. The graphics are so vibrant it really adds to overall the game experience.

GameSpy: What kind of RPG experience will Evolution Worlds provide?

Tats Myojo: Evolution Worlds is a refreshingly straightforward and uncomplicated RPG. RPG gamers on the GameCube console are historically a neglected audience. As the first traditional RPG to launch on the GameCube, we wanted to address Nintendo's younger, casual players. Typical RPGs are complicated and targeted at hardcore gamers. Evolution Worlds is a no- nonsense RPG that can be played by all ages and skill sets. It is a great introduction to gamers who have not played RPGs before, yet the game is challenging enough for experienced RPG gamers as well.

GameSpy: Is the game turn-based or real-

Tats Myojo: The battles are typical turn- based, but you can see whose turn is in the line-up so the game is more strategic. Every character you have has a basic attack, but some have special weapons called "Cyframes" -- this is the heart of the battle system. These Cyframes give you special, skilled attacks that you can learn through experience. You can also find or buy parts to upgrade your Cyframe for more types of attacks.

For example, Mag Launcher has a Cyframe that starts with hand and hammer parts to do punching and pounding attacks, but he can find other parts such as spray for gassing, boulder for rock attacks, spinner for yo-yo attacks, etc. You can add slots to carry many parts, and upgrade the parts for more attack power. This can get pretty serious when your Cyframe is packed with a hundred different attacks!

GameSpy: Are the dungeons randomly generated?

Tats Myojo: Yes, the dungeons are randomly generated, so no two dungeons are ever the same. The randomly generated dungeons really add to the replay value of the game. The game has about 30 hours of gameplay, but if players want to explore all the interesting areas of the game and interact with all the different characters, the game expands to more like 40 hours.

GameSpy: The game's title suggests that the game will be large in scope. Can you elaborate on this?

Tats Myojo: Evolution Worlds is truly an epic RPG. We combined two complete RPGs into one incredible adventure -- gamers are really getting their money's worth. The new graphics and voice enhancements make the game look and play better than ever before.

GameSpy: Could the game be potentially playable online in the future, like Phantasy Star Online, for example.

Tats Myojo: We are concentrating on creating a solid GameCube game, but aren't ruling anything out for the future. Online RPGs are great experiences, and I would love to see a game like Evolution Worlds go online.

GameSpy: Do you think the game will be
more popular the United States or in Japan?

Tats Myojo: I think both US and Japanese gamers enjoy solid, quality games. There is something intuitive and lively in all quality games that are enjoyed by ALL audiences. I can say the same for great RPG games. Good games translate across language barriers.

GameSpy: Describe a typical combat situation.

Tats Myojo: Your party can see monsters off in the distance. You have the option of engaging them in combat or trying to avoid them, but the monsters may chase you. I prefer this to the endless stream of random encounters that most RPG's feature. Once in combat, a turn order is determined and you get to choose the tactics to use to defeat the monsters. Each character has a wide range of options available including some unusual skills and abilities. For instance, one character has the ability to spur another character by teasing them to fight harder. Once all monsters have been defeated, you get to grab the loot.

GameSpy: What kind of monsters will be present?

Tats Myojo: The creatures here represent a departure from the stock orcs and goblins of most RPG games. We've got fantastic creatures that are part plant, part animal with a look you've not really seen before. There are more mundane creatures as well, such as the giant rat, but again, here the take is a bit unusual. The artist didn't just try and copy every other RPG out there.

GameSpy: How far can a character be
developed in terms of level and experience?

Tats Myojo: Characters can level up to a factor of 99 to enhance their strength, speed, defense, and attack like in most other RPGs, but it doesn't end there. Some of the characters' power is determined by the amount enhancements they have done to their Cyframes. Like Mag, for instance -- who has hand and hammer parts on his Cyframe as a default -- can find many other parts such as boulder, spray, discs, mind, and others. Each part has several types of attacks that are learned by experience, and parts can be upgraded for stronger attacks. In the beginning, you only have a limited amount of "slots" on you Cyframes to put so many enhancements, so each player can customize their characters with their preferred setup. You can spend hours trying to customize your characters to your best suited needs!

GameSpy: What is the coolest aspect of Evolution Worlds?

Tats Myojo: The game captures the feeling of a Saturday afternoon adventure. There is danger and excitement, but it is not heavy handed. That vibe is rarely done well in games and it represents a nice change of pace from the pretentious, brooding RPG's that populate the market. Evolution Worlds is pure escapism.

GameSpy: What, in your opinion, makes a successful and enjoyable RPG game?

Tats Myojo: A clear vision. The player has to be able to connect with the imagination of the game. It is a lot easier to lose yourself in the world if it is well thought out and inventive.

GameSpy: Anything else you'd care to add?

Tats Myojo: Evolution Worlds is a fun and
solid turn-based RPG, and by bringing it to the GameCube, we are filling in a large hole in their lineup. There really is nothing else like it for the GameCube. �

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