Interview: Mario reveals all
Posted 23 Jun 2002 at 12:27 by guest
CE: So what do you get up to when you aren't rescuing and adventuring?
Mario: I love to relax at home in Kyoto. It's lovely here in the summer! I spend winter in Napoli, Italy where I grew up so many years ago. I used to live in Brooklyn, but that place got too hectic so I divide my time between Italy and Japan nowadays.
CE: Can you confirm or quash the rumours that you and Peach are an item? Can we expect a Mario-junior in a few years time?
Mario: I'd prefer not to discuss my personal life. All I can say that me and Peach are more than just good friends . . .
CE: How is Luigi?
Mario: He is still recovering from in his escapades at that dreadful mansion. He has since sold the house and is now living in Switzerland near Lake Geneva. He's always been a one for water!
CE: Can you spill the beans on your latest game, Mario Sunshine?
Mario: It's a fantastic game, profiling my adventures in Dolphin Island. I can't say too much much, but I can tell you that it will available to buy on import on July 19 (Jap version) and August 26 (US version). The European release will crash into stores sometime in October.
Here are some of the latest photos from the Mario family album:

Above: Mario outside Nintendo HQ.

Above : Mario sporting the latest Japanese Nintendo magazines.

Above: Mario at home in the Nintendo canteen.

Above: Mario with his favourite coloured GameCube: spice.
Look forward to our interview next week, when we dish the dirt on Princess Zelda. Pictures courtesy of Nintendo Japan.