Interview: Talk Clone Wars they will

GameCube Advanced recently talked to LucasArts' Jim Tso about Star Wars Clone Wars as it nears completion.

GameCube Advanced: I am a huge Star Wars fan! I was happy to see the game at E3 this year. How far along is Star Wars: The Clone Wars?

Jim Tso: Very far along, the GameCube version is close to final and the PS2 version is not far behind.

GCA: What separates Star Wars: The Clone Wars distinctly from other Combat Action games?

JT: The epic setting and sheer amount of action in each mission. In some of our larger battles, we have hundreds of units slugging it out with aircraft circling overhead. There's also a lot of variety in the types of missions: escort; base defense; pursuit; ambush; invasion; etc.

GCA: Would you be confident of the game's success even if it were not based upon the Star Wars franchise?

JT: Oh yes, the graphics are great, the gameplay is frenetic, and the controls are very tight. Of course, the Star Wars setting certainly helps!

GCA: Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rouge Leader showed off amazing sound qualities. Will you guys be delivering again with Star Wars: The Clone Wars?

JT: Yes, most definitely. We had the benefit of working with Skywalker Sound on Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The sound designers had access to the actual sounds used in the movie, so everything you hear in the game is very authentic.

GCA: What will be some differences between the GameCube and PS2 versions?

JT:Not much, the main difference is that the GameCube version supports 4 players in multiplayer while the PS2 supports 2.

GCA: Any difficulties in developing for the GameCube?

JT: No, not all. It's been great to work with Nintendo.

GCA: Has the GameCube's controller been a problem at all?

JT: No, not all. In fact, I think we did a great job in making sure that the controls feel very natural with the GameCube controller.

GCA: Is this title strictly covering the events in Episode II regarding the Clone Wars? Anything from Episode 3 going to be included?

JT: No, Star Wars: The Clone Wars really starts with the Battle of Geonosis, which is the end of the movie. The game starts out on Geonosis and from there it follows the early part of the Clone Wars as Count Dooku attempts to reassemble an ancient Sith weapon. The time period in the game spans a few months, which is really just the start of the Clone Wars.

GCA: Star Wars: The Clone Wars looks to be primarily be a vehicle-shooter. Will there be any other styles of play throughout the course of the game?

JT: Yes, that's one of the features that makes The Clone Wars different from other games in its genre. In a few missions, you'll get a chance to play as a Jedi and use your lightsaber to defeat enemies. These interludes are really just parts of missions but they do a lot to mix up the action. Also, all the vehicles in the game have very different characteristics. For example, riding the speeder bike is a totally different experience than piloting the assault walker. As a result, the gameplay experience is much more varied than a standard vehicle shooter.

GCA: How many vehicles will be playable? Can you give us a few of your favorites?

JT: Well, in the campaign you get a chance to "pilot" seven different vehicles, including the maru. The maru is a creature that's used by the Wookiees; it's kind of a cross between a tauntaun and a dewback. My favorite vehicles are the fighter tank and gunship. The fighter tank is a really well-balanced vehicle and is good for many different types of missions. The gunship is fun because it has a tremendous amount of firepower.

GCA: How many combat missions in all?

JT: There are 16 missions in the campaign. Each mission usually has 2-3 different objectives. In addition, there are 3 bonus objectives for each mission.

GCA: Can you give us some examples of the missions that players will be sent on?

JT: The initial missions on Geonosis require the player to knock out anti-orbital cannons on Geonosis. This is to allow the rest of the Jedi to land on the planet. After the Jedi have landed, the player has to escort them to the Grand Arena where Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Padme are held captive. Other missions are: rescuing besieged Republic troops from attacking Separatist forces; defending a Wookiee village from attack; chasing down battledroids on a speeder bike; and invading an ancient Sith city.

GCA: Conquest looks like something to ensure Star Wars: The Clone Wars' position in the GameCube's disc tray for weeks. How hard have you worked to make his mode enjoyable?

JT: We've spent a lot of time making sure Conquest is balanced and full-featured. It's got a great blend of action and strategy; of course, that's no surprise since Pandemic has so much experience in those genres.

GCA: The multi-player seems to be a great addition. Could you please explain to us a little more about this option?

JT: Well, we have not just one multiplayer mode but four: duel (deathmatch); control zone (king-of-the-hill); Conquest; and Academy. Duel and Control Zone are fairly self-explanatory, players get to choose vehicles and then slug it out for bragging rights. Conquest has been mentioned before, it's a team-based game that's sort of a "lite" RTS. Academy is a co-op game that was inspired by old-school shooter games like Galaxian and Space Invaders. Players get to see how long they can last against waves of AI enemies. There's also a variant of Academy that allows players to control Jedi Knights, including a little green one : )

GCA: What makes this title unique? Why should every Star Wars fan pick up a copy?

JT: There are several things that make Star Wars: The Clone Wars unique. There's a tremendous amount of action and variety in the single player campaign. As I mentioned before, each vehicle handles and peforms differently; the result of this is a very unique feel when you switch vehicles in missions. There's also an extensive and deep multiplayer game with four different modes to select from. Finally, what true Star Wars fan could pass up the opportunity to take part in the legendary Clone Wars?

GCA: What is your favorite aspect of Star Wars: The Clone Wars?

JT: The pacing of the missions, each one is filled with action but they still offer a lot of variety. I also love Conquest multiplayer games.

GCA: Will the vehicles come equipped with cup holders?

JT: Every one but the speeder bike : )

GCA: Anything else you want gamers to know about Star Wars: The Clone Wars on the Nintendo GameCube?

JT: If non-stop Star Wars action is what you're looking for, then Star Wars: The Clone Wars will fit the bill perfectly!

I don't know about you, but judging from this interview, Clone Wars looks to be a treat indeed.

Source: GameCube Advanced

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